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Mountain Dwarf

Mountain Dwarves are a Sub-Race of Dwarf native to The Old World. They are the most common type of Dwarf, though they are rarely seen outside their ancestral homelands on the continent of Drachen. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their strength, hardiness, and martial discipline, such as Barbarian, Fighter, or Paladin (see

Basic Information


Mountain Dwarves are the tallest type of Dwarf and are slimmer than Hill Dwarves but still broader than Duergar. Most have pale or rosy skin and sharp facial features, more similar to those of Humans than other Dwarves. Males often keep their beards short or braid them in elaborate patterns, while females rarely have facial hair at all.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Mountain Dwarves are famed for their vast underground cities and huge mining complexes. They place tremendous importance on social status as well as on personal and familial honor. Warriors and artisans enjoy high positions in society and miners are respected even by their betters, whereas farming and trade are considered base pursuits.

Facial characteristics

Mountain Dwarves have sharp patrician facial features compared to other Dwarves, to the point that some could almost be mistaken for unusually short Humans. Most have blue or green eyes and black hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mountain Dwarves are native to Ussura and make up nearly its entire population. Though they rarely leave their homeland, they form a minority of the Dwarven population in Alderac and Vestenjar.

Average Intelligence

Mountain Dwarves often consider themselves superior to others of their kind and possess an ancient and well-ordered society in which they hold tremendous pride. Nonetheless, they are not actually any more intelligent than Hill Dwarves or Duergar, though they do tend to place more importance than their brethren on intellectual prowess.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Robustus Altus
Average Physique
Mountain Dwarves are tall and of average build by Dwarven standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Pinkish-white with a pale or rosy complexion.
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