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Duergar (also known as "Grey Dwarves") are a Sub-Race of Dwarf native to The Old World. They are the least common type of Dwarf and reside almost exclusively in their ancestral homeland, the Nation of Alderac. They are a playable Sub-Race best-suited to Classes which take advantage of their low cunning and natural ferocity, such as Barbarian, Fighter, or Ranger (see

Duergar are subject to the following variant rule:
A Duergar may expend a spell slot of 2nd level or higher to regain the use of their Duergar Magic ability, even if they have already used it since their last Long Rest.

Basic Information


Duergar are between Hill Dwarves and Mountain Dwarves in height but are slimmer than either. Their wiry build is more similar to that of Halflings than other Dwarves and they are further distinguished by their grey skin and lack of hair. Males are almost universally bald, though they do grow thick coarse beards, and females are often bald as well.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Like Mountain Dwarves, Duergar live in massive subterranean cities. Their society is marked by vicious political intrigue and frequent blood feuds between noble families. Duergar are highly patriarchal, treating females as little more than property, and consider war, artisanry, and trade to be the only honorable pursuits, relegating all other tasks to the lowborn and slaves.

Facial characteristics

Duergar have harsh blunt facial features, similar to those of Hill Dwarves. They have black or dark blue eyes and red or white hair.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Duergar are native to Alderac and live almost exclusively within its borders. They form a small minority in nearby Ussura, where they are stereotyped, rightly or wrongly, as criminals and ne'er-do-wells.

Average Intelligence

Duergar are the black sheep of Dwarvenkind, oft reviled by their kin, but possess an advanced civilization nonetheless. While their achievements in architecture and smithing do not quite equal those of Mountain Dwarves, Duergar are unique among Dwarves in that they embrace the power of magic to create unique and powerful artifacts.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo Robustus Cinereus
Average Physique
Duergar are of average height and unusually thin by Dwarven standards.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ash grey to dark grey.
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