Feral Fridays 2024 | Belief in Gold

In places where the sparkle of light and life shine through, we know scrabbling hands await their gleaming prize. Fear not, if your gilded beliefs come to you, pocked with bite marks and scratches...   The feral creatures outside simply got a little bit too curious, and the shiny thing looked VERY delicious.
  Belief takes many forms, from the gods above to the affirmations we speak to ourselves the moment we take a big leap into the unknown. What do you believe in? What do you.. believe that people in your world believe in?   Sorry, that one was a little weird. But hey... answer the question :)
These amazing worldbuilders did! Read their stellar works!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

The Wonder
by ButNoCigar
This game is a cryptic tradition of which almost none are privy to the rules or process, but it makes some pretty big decisions.  
The Wonder
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 24, 2024
by oaster2000
A Deceiver God with a mean streak and a dark following, growing ever darker. Best to keep that one locked up, I think.  
Deity | Jul 30, 2024

The imprisoned deity of murder, execution, and survival.

Wire Dancer
by Mochimanoban
Jellyfish are rather scary on their own, and best to be avoided, but at least these seem to prefer... wait, they eat armored whales? Help...  
Wire Dancer
Fauna | Aug 9, 2024

Parasitic jellyfish that target armoured whales, one of the largest organisms in the oceans of Norrab.

Homo Elaqitanii
by Blue Fairy 74
This one is a heavy read, but an excellent example of the darker worldbuilding that can unfold when characters go unchecked.  
Homo Elaqitanii - Elementary human
Species | Jul 25, 2024
by Jeffrey Lebowski
Trickery in the guise of devotion; so many were convinced to partake in a destruction they thought would be a blessing.  
Organization | Aug 1, 2024
Tome of Magic and Spells
by CoolG1319
Magical tomes are often mysterious by nature, but no one seems to know much of anything about this one! Cute pixel art too :)  
Tome of Magic and Spells
Document | Aug 1, 2024

Rumoured to be in the possession of The Central Church

Ballad of Fire
by CrazyEddie
Ballads of loss hit the soul hard, whether they are stepped in myth or not. The Eternals seem to have a sense of humor, though.  
Ballad of Fire
Myth | Jul 26, 2024
Astris Contagion
by AsterVela
It's always concerning when you read a conspiracy theory article and think, "man, that's definitely something that could happen irl."  
Astris Contagion Conspiracy Theory
Myth | Jul 26, 2024
The Petrified Forest of Hemlock Veldt
by Hallucigenia
From the fungal-insectoid people and the disasters the site has narrowly evaded, this forest has much history to offer.  
The Petrified Forest of Hemlock Veldt
Item | Sep 1, 2024

Site of the Hemlock Veldt Disaster, holy place of cults of the Hecath Queens

by farashasilver
An item article which could have been set in a language template, this exploration of sigils is in depth and super cool!  
Item | Aug 27, 2024
Flower Messages
by Frod0_baggins
Flower language explorations are such a delight in my eyes. It's so fun getting to know new meanings in new worlds!  
Flower Messages
Language | Aug 3, 2024

Fare Wax
by Strixxline
My own submission for the week! Preserving roadside snacks, as adventurers do! Spoiled snacks spoil an adventure, after all!  
Fare Wax
Material | Jul 28, 2024

Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Diamond-wave submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 2pm EST on Friday, August 2nd! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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