Feral Fridays 2024 | Of Silvered Refuge

All ye feral souls, we welcome to our humble circle, our refuge from the baking sun and terrors of the day.   That we might rise within the blackest night to CREATE!
  In this harsh world, everyone has a need for respite, and for refuge from the troubles of the day. We find these pockets of safety in many places: our bozy beds, our crafting spaces, and our beloved communities — among many others!   What does refuge look like in your worlds? What exactly are your world's creations taking shelter from? Where can we find a breath of safety in the wide expanse of your imagination put to paper? Yes WA counts as paper... virtual paper? Whatever, show me those articles!
Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline

by Mochimanoban
I'm SO excited to jump into a new Mochi world!! I'm just starting to become.. a little concerned at Mochi's growing kill count with these recent articles.  
Building / Landmark | Jul 8, 2024

What's hidden within the abandoned space station is anyone's guess.

by Catoblepon
This was such a cool article, diving into a settlement of rich history and strong community. I must also say, Cato comes up with the loveliest names while worldbuilding!  
Settlement | Sep 6, 2024

A refuge in the harsh islands of Adea

by Sh4d0wPh03n1x
This article stands tall on my list of joyful reading experiences for many reasons, but the use of the term "slappening" is a strong factor. I'm delighted by this place!  
Settlement | Jul 19, 2024

The chilled air blowing through the icy streets does nothing to hamper the warmth and excitement that the local Pingus have for each other and every visitor.

by Frod0_baggins
Transforming celestial bodies into living, communicating creatures was something I didn't expect, but I'm enthralled by the idea of the stars singing songs across space.  
Species | Jul 11, 2024

Sentient Stars and how they use their shared consciousness to protect the universe and themselves...

Bes Nereids
by AsterVela
Intelligent creatures considered to be sophontic, though seen as feral by most — I love seeing how they nonverbally communicate with their onshore neighbors.  
Bes Nereids
Species | Jul 23, 2024
Sandstone Pendant
by Tyrdal
Practical and subtle forms of magic hold my heart, so this article was a lovely read. This is simply a must-have item to ease the burden of desert travel.  
Sandstone Pendant
Item | Aug 3, 2024

A gift from the desert

by Kitoypoy
Leave it to Kitoypoy to always find new ways to make us hungry! If you're no fan of shooting down potions, you'll love these bite-sized alternatives! Grab the recipe, too!  
Item | Aug 3, 2024

These skillfully-made magical rice cakes are full of love and courage. They can heal your wounds, make you brave, or save you if you're falling from a skyship!

Limitanei, Blatian Frontier Soldiers
by Callyxtus
A beautifully illustrated article teaching us about the history and function of one of Blati's frontier armies. I appreciate the graphic showing the organization structure!  
Limitanei, Blatian Frontier Soldiers
Military Formation | Jul 26, 2024

The Brave soldiers who protect the borders of the Blatian Empire

by oaster2000
A settlement shining with diversity! I loved getting a taste of each district of the city, and even getting to know some of the people we might find there!  
Settled Location | Jul 19, 2024

The Home for All, a place where those who need somewhere new find themselves.

Dragon Wasps
by drunkenpanda951
Every week needs to have a horror reading. This week, it's wasps forged of dragon scales. I'm just proud to have pronounced that long name in there with relative success.  
Dragon Wasps
Species | Jul 18, 2024
Bracelet of Protection
by cow2face
Traditional wear which transcends station, class, and upbringing. It's lovely to see a positive cultural staple adopted by all who make up a population.  
Bracelet of protection
Item | Jul 12, 2024
Blazeback Drake
by Theiket
I really enjoyed the opening quote to this article, and I love the insight we get into a working creature that's incredibly useful, but very dangerous when needed.  
Blazeback Drake
Species | Jul 7, 2024

by Hanhula
Remember when I said we had our horror read this week? I spoke too soon. I cannot describe this in a way that does justice to the fever dream Hanhula has unleashed on us.  
Species | Jul 10, 2024

Dreams give rise to the creation of odd imaginary creatures. Sometimes, those become... teeth?

Kataman Crab
by Rashkavar
How cool would life be, if we could carry around a ball of all of our favorite and/or functional belongings glued into a ball for when we need it? Such a cool species!  
Kataman Crab
Species | Aug 3, 2024

A crab that builds a spherical home it carries around with it.

Beast Type Care
by Jontaro
This article features such tender and beautiful themes of accepting care and being vulnerable with loved ones. Such a lovely peek into the lives of Oniran's people.  
Beast Type Care
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 31, 2024

A wholesome exploration of Beast Types and their implications

by Strixxline
I took this week's prompts as an opportunity to dive into a few core articles for Ayun Sovos, starting with Adventurers! They keep the world safe and supplied with their deeds!  
Ethnicity | Jul 14, 2024

Fancy a Feature?
Jumping in on Feral Fridays is as easy as sending over your favorite submission of the week to me via Discord, or in the comments of this article. For the next showcase, we will be reading only Gold-wave submissions, so get to writing! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!   Next Feral Friday is expected to run on my Twitch channel at 2pm EST on Friday, July 26th! See you there!

Cover image: by Strixxline


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