The Sturdy Steed Building / Landmark in The Prelacy of Middenmark | World Anvil

The Sturdy Steed

Outfitter: The Sturdy Steed
Proprietor: Albree Ironfoot
Specializes in gear for travelers and adventurers, offering everything from durable clothing to essential supplies for journeying and exploration.

Interior Layout

Upon entering The Sturdy Steed, visitors are greeted by a meticulously organized space. The walls are adorned with various pieces of armor and weaponry, each with a tag describing its origin and best use. A large counter runs the length of the shop, behind which Albree works on her crafts. A fireplace in the corner offers warmth, inviting patrons to stay and share tales of their travels.

Unique Offerings

Renowned for Albree Ironfoot's custom gear, designed to meet the specific needs of each adventurer. Whether it's boots that can replace a foot or cloaks that repel rain and wind, Albree can create it. Additionally, the shop offers a small collection of rare artifacts and enchanted items Branwen has collected during her travels, each with a story she's eager to share.

Community Role

Albree Ironfoot serves as a pivotal figure for adventurers entering or departing from town. Recognizing her critical role, she ensures that expeditions are well-prepared. Maintaining a strong relationship with Commander Darian Hawkwood of the Westwatchers, Albree frequently directs capable adventurers seeking work towards him. Additionally, she hosts monthly gatherings at her establishment where stories from various journeys are shared and discussed. These meetings also serve as sessions for imparting survival skills and emphasizing the necessity of preparation. Through these activities, Albree reinforces her position not merely as a shopkeeper but as a mentor and a safeguard of the adventurer community in Westkeep.
Commander Darian Hawkwood of the Westwatchers
Character | Jun 20, 2024

A founding member of the Westwatchers & steadfast guardian of Westkeep

Parent Location
Albree Ironfoot
Character | Jun 21, 2024

Lost her foot and still won't quit. A testament to northern resilience and determination.

Settlement | Jul 2, 2024

positioned on the western edge of Middenmark, is fortified by a unique watchtower-monastery

Articles under The Sturdy Steed


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