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Jaedyn Gilren

High Prince Jaedyn Gilren

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jaedyn was born at a country villa in the Princeship of Lamlou as the second son of Tolar II, a simple minded High Prince that had been deposed by Unnris I Ostier in 3975 MA. He spent much of his time with his elder brother, Resser, listening to him go on at length about his stolen birthright. He was present when Resser crowned himself in 3990 MA and fought alongside his brother in his war against Unnris I and later Unnris II. He was captured and held hostage in 3997 MA. It was during his rescue attempt that Resser was captured by Unnris II's soldiers, though Jaedyn managed to escape. During the Year's End Festival of 3999 MA, Unnris executed Resser in a ceremony that seemed to constitute a human sacrifice. Jaedyn used this to rally lords against Unnris II, resuming his brother's civil war. By 4001 MA, he had captured and executed Unnris II, leading the western half of the Princeship of Lamlou to attempt to break away under the Ostiers. Jaedyn continued fighting to keep the Princeship together until 4030 MA, when the last hints of resistance was stamped out.   In 4042 MA, Jaedyn sent troops to aid Prost against an invasion from Youk Kingdom with the support of the Hrakken Empire. This force was lead by his eldest son, who died along with most of his soldiers in the Mildale Disaster. During the course of the Demon War, Jaedyn would lose the rest of his children, grandchildren, and his wife.


Family Ties

All of Jaedyn's descendants were slain during the course of the Demon War, leaving no obvious heir to his title. Last time a High Prince was replaced with an illegitimate heir, it lead nearly forty years of civil war, a fact that Jaedyn is well aware of, as it was his father, Tolar II, who was deposed and he was the ultimate victor of the Fourth and Fifth Lammish Civil Wars.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
3978 MA 72 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born the second son of the deposed High Prince, Tolar II
Current Residence
The Prince's Palace in Lamm
Thin grey hair kept long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Beige with darker splotches
170 lbs.

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