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A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that 80% of Lamm's population were Westrin humans, 5% were Forest Haflings, 5% were Raharin Elves, 5% were humans of non-Westrin ethnicity, and 5% were of other races.   WEALTH
A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that 80% of the population made two Silver Trees or less in exchange for a day's labor. 15% made close to 2 Gold Crowns for a day's labor. 5% were found to make well over 5 Gold Crowns every day.   RELIGION
A census conducted in 4000 MA showed that 75% of the population were Trinitarians, 10% viewed themselves as alignists, 8% ascribed to the The Elven Faith, and the remaining 7% either ascribed to other faiths or were skeptics.


The High Prince of The Princeship of Lamlou has resided in Lamm since the days of Lamlou Gilren. The High Prince in 3773 was Chiero Gilren. The High Prince in 3841 was Prince Lahto Gilren. The High Prince in 4042 was Viiko Gilren.   Throughout the history of Lamm various noble families and incredibly wealthy individuals have dwelt within it and influenced its government. These individuals usually pass on their political power to their children, most often their eldest son. It is estimated that there are around forty of these families, collectively referred to as the Aristocracy.   MAYOR
The Mayor of Lamm is an official elected by the richest and most influential members of the city. Every five years, on the 2nd of Ias, the High Prince and the forty members of the aristocracy gather in City Hall. The High Prince nominates five of their number as candidates for Mayor and each member casts a single ballot for one of these candidates. If the vote results in a tie, the High Prince selects his preferred Mayor. The Mayor in 3773 was Moarius Crix. The Mayor in 3841 was Duke Hatal Soraen. The mayor in 4042 was Lanhan Moore.   Once in office, the Mayor puts forward bills and laws that the Council votes either in favor or against. If the vote end in a tie, the Mayor breaks the tie.   COUNCIL
Every 3 years on the 10th of Ias a new council is elected. Every male property owner in Lamm can vote for a candidate of their choosing from their district. Each district elects its own council member, selecting the candidate from the district who acquired the most votes. There are as many council members as there are districts in the city. If a council member dies during their term, the current Mayor chooses a replacement member from the district they were elected by, who must be approved by a majority vote by the remaining Council Members.   Once in office, the Council votes on laws, bills, and issues put forward by the Mayor. They can offer their suggestions to the mayor, but he alone can initiate a vote.   Members in 3773, 3841, 4042.   TAXATION
Tax law within the city is determined by the Mayor and Council. The Mayor selects Bailiffs to collect the taxes, who must be approved in a majority vote by the council.   Specific taxes.   EXTERNAL RELATIONS
With other settlements. With other nations.


Walls   Keeps: Prince and Aristocracy have personal keeps. Prisons as well.   THE CITY GUARD
Around 500 members   MILITIAS
Various militia

Industry & Trade

What does Lamm trade with settlements within The Princeship of Lamlou? How is it transported?
What Nations or groups other than The Princeship of Lamlou does the city trade with? What do they trade?   SEA TRADE
What does Mibran trade with Lamm? How is this trade conducted?
What does Prost trade with Lamm? How is this trade conducted?
What does Jarsokka trade with Lamm? How is this trade conducted?   MARKET PLACES
Located at the center of the Market District, this district is the primary location of trade between the people of Lamm. All kinds of goods and services are available here. On the edges of the square, more established businesses have built shops. 
Blacksmiths, general goods, trinket sellers  
This marketplace is located in the Old District.

The Black Market is not a physical place, but rather a network of buyers, sellers, and suppliers of all forms of goods and services of both the uncouth and illegal natures.


Sewers: Better in high-class areas   shops: potionary, Magic components,   DISTRICTS
At the city's founding in 3535 MA there were already two communities in the area; a small town where the Old District is and a small Forest Hafling village where the Forest District is. The city of Lamm had 10 districts by 4000 MA   THE CHURCH DISTRICT
This district is located East of the Prince's District, South of the District of Magi, and North of the Old District.   The majority of the district's buildings are residences, well built and belonging to well to do citizens.   There are some guildhalls scattered throughout the Church District.   The most prominent building in the Church District is a massive cathedral belonging to The Church of the Trinity, located to the

This district is located South of the Market District, East of the Dock District, and West of the Church District.   There is an alignist chapel in the Northeast corner of the district. It has a small library that the alignists allow those who they deem worthy to enter.   The most powerful guilds have guildhalls in this district. They are scattered around the district.   The most prominent building in the Prince's District is the lavish fortified palace of the High Prince. The palace is located on a hill in the center of the district.

This is the oldest district of the City of Lamm is located on the coastal cliff in the Southeast section of the city.   This district is located South of the Church District.   There is a small market square in the center of the district. It includes a bookstore, a silversmith, and a few other shops, but no stalls.   The most prominent building in the Old District is a small keep at its South most point. This keep, sometimes called Oldkeep, was the original residence of the Lord who protected Lamlou Gilren during the Youkan Civil War.   THE PRISON DISTRICT
This district has a large prison at its center. It is heavily patrolled by the City Guard and is home to some of the poorest citizens of Lamm. This district is located West of the Dock District and South of the Forest District.
The most prominent building in the Prison District is Donlaw Prison. It is a large stone structure that hosts hundreds of prisoners all the way from petty thieves to POWs to political dissidents.  
This district was instated by the High Prince during the Prost Schism.   Although it contains the majority of the city's elves, most of the district's inhabitants are forest halflings who dwell in homes built in the branches of the trees and in dwellings dug beneath in their roots.   There is a Jarsokkan place of worship. It is a cave below the roots of the largest tree in the district.   This district is located North of the Prison District and West of the People's District.   The most prominent building in the Forest District is the Elven Lodge and its adjoining circle of stones. The Raharin refuges from the Withering of Jakarak converted a log house into a lodge which serves as a place of worship and healing for the community. They erected three stone pillars behind it in a circle or triangle to represent the three elven deities.

The district on the shore, located West of the Prince's District, South of the People's District, and East of the Prison District.   The Southern edge of this district faces the bay. In the year 3750 MA there were five large warehouses clustered together in the Southwest corner of the district, by 3800 MA an additional warehouse had been built, and in the year 4000 MA the total number of warehouses was increased to ten. The piers and docks are located right by the warehouses. To the East of the docks, there is a small community of Sea Gnomes out on the water. A single branching   Sea gnome housing area.   The most prominent building of the Dock District is the Chamber of Lords, where the Council of Lords meet every 3 months to discuss national law. It is located in the Northeast corner of the district.

Located North of the Prince's District, South of the Slum District, East of the People's District, and West of the District of Magi.       The most prominent feature of this district is the Market Square at its center. In the middle of this square is a statue of Lamlou Gilren, founder of both Lamm and The Princeship of Lamlou.

Located North of the Market District. The citizens of this district live in substandard housing with little to no guard supervision or protection. It lies outside the walls of the city. Many crime groups have roots and establishments in this district. As many of the City's regulations and laws don't fully apply outside its walls, the majority of the city's prostitution occurs in this district. Disease and violent crime are rampant, both claiming many lives every day. Relief initiatives set up by the Church rarely end up helping these citizens properly, often putting more money in the pockets of its own officials. This district wasn't recognized as a district proper until the year 4000 on the 16th of Ilon. The majority of Black Market trade occurs in this portion of the city.   The most prominent building of the Slum District is Mosburne Tavern; a large inn and tavern that caters to all sorts of nefarious business as well as travelers and those seeking hard drink. Because it is outside of the walls, none of the cities regulations on the consumption and crafting of alcohol apply here, allowing various kinds of strong, if potentially dangerous booze.

This district is located East of the Forest District, North of the Dock District, and West of the Market District. It is primarily a housing district.   There is a smaller Church of the Trinity located in the East side of the district. Some believe that this church has ties to the King's Brotherhood, although raids on the church have revealed no evidence.   The most prominent building of the People's District is City Hall. Built sometime in the 37th Century, City Hall has served as the meeting place for the city's Council and Mayor. The building is well fortified.

This district is located East of the Market District and North of the Church District.       The most prominent building in the District of Magi is The School of the Sentinel's Sight.



Guilds and Factions

How the guild system functions.   POWERFUL GUILDS
Details on the most prominent guilds.   LESSER GUILDS
A list of the lesser guilds.   GANGS AND CRIME FAMILIES
The Mosburne Mongrels control the streets around Mosburne Tavern in the Slum District, but often interfere with the other gangs of the district.  Several farms surrounding the district are owned and guarded by the organization, growing grains, raising animals, and brewing ales and whiskeys.     They are funded and led by the Mosburne family and have by far the best equipment of the Slum District gangs. The Mosburnes make money on their owned farms, selling food and other supplies and from Mosburne Tavern.  They also engage in the sale of narcotics, prostitution, and take a cut of gambling games played at the tavern.  The Mongrels do their best to take care of inhabitants of the Slum District, hosting a free meal available to everyone on the 10th day of each week and on each of the holidays.   The Mosburnes usually appoint captains to oversee daily operations and patrols of the territory.  These captains are given room and board at Mosburne Tavern and are given better equipment and pay than their fellows.  It is not uncommon for captains to serve the family for a time before either being recognized and recruited by the City Guard or gaining entry to the inner city.   THE OSTERSTREET ADDERS
The Osterstreet Adders control the East side of the Slum District.  They often occupy people's homes, using them as bases of operation for a time before moving to a different building.  They specialize in theft and violent crimes, usually perpetrated in their own territory, although they sometimes lure travelers out of Mongrel territory so the Mongrels can't interfere.   Various people have led the Adders.  When a group of Adders decide they don't like the current leader, they choose someone to challenge them.  The leader and the challenger engage in barehanded combat to death or submission.  The leader in 3773 was Leavara Masa, a Westrin woman with no family and no compassion.  She defeated her predecessor early in 3772, breaking each of his limbs before finishing him off by breaking his neck.  Her first year as leader was packed with challengers, none of whom survived more than a few minutes against her.   THE SLAPSTREET SERPENTS
The Slapstreet Serpents control part of the West end of the district.  They specialize in narcotics and prostitution.     COBBLEROAD COBRAS
Stuff and things     FACTIONS
The King's Brotherhood is an organization that works against the interests of the High Prince. The support racial superiority of humans, supremacy of The Church of the Trinity, male leadership, and for the unification of of all Westrin humans into a single nation with the Church crowning the "true King".   THE CULT OF FIIRBIE
It is whispered that a cult festers within the Prince's City. A dark organization that kidnaps people in the night, never to be seen again. Some say that the victims are sacrificed or tortured in the name of some dark force. The city guard   CHURCH OF THE TRINITY
Archbishop: old man, kind to children,     


When High Prince Lamlou Gilren fled from Youk during the Youkan Civil War, he took refuge with the noble who owned the castle at the center of this district. In those days it was it's own settlement with it's own name. After the war was over, Lamlou declared that he would make the city that had protected him in his time of need the greatest city on all the earth. He built for himself a fortress on a hill nearby and and renamed the city Lamm.


The city of Lamm is located at the North end of a small bay. It is surrounded by Prost Forest on all sides excluding the Southern portion of the City which isndir3ctly on the shore of the sea. The Eastern districts of the cciy, namely the Old District, the Church District, and the District of Magi are at a hogher elevation than the other districts, with both the Church District and the Old District having coastal cliffs.   The trees surrounding Lamm are primarily deciduous, although there is a mix of conifers towards the West. Most of the forest around the city has been cleared for farms in about a five mile radius, with the exception of the forest adjacent to the Old District, which has been set aside as the persobal hunting grounds of the High Prince.   The bay to the south of the city is very deep.   Coastline and beaches   surrounding locations   freshwater source

Natural Resources

Where and how lumber is collected.   FISHING
Where and how fishing is conducted.   MINING
There are many mines beneath the Old District.  Most of the entrances are located in the coastal cliffs, only accessible through docks.   CROPS
Where and what is grown by who?

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
City of the Prince
A census in the year 4000 MA counted 26,342 permanent residents
Related Ethnicities
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
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