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Prost is a nation that is ruled by The Church of the Trinity. It broke off from The Princeship of Lamlou in 3593.


Family life and expectations feature heavily in Prostian culture.  Emphasis is placed on women's role as caregiver and men's role as provider and protector.  Men are expected to be the primary source of wealth and sustenance, either doing farm work, working a trade, or serving in the army.  Women are expected to be subserviant to their husbands and give birth to many children for them to care for.  The elderly are usually cared for by their daughters and assist where they can with the rearing of children.   As a whole, the people of Prost believe that isolation is a wise course and policy, many believing that interference from outsiders has caused all the problems they face and have faced.  These beliefs have caused the enactment of many oppressive laws and customs.  As there are no laws against it, many businesses will not serve customers of other races, some even only serving Westrin Humans.  There are restrictions in most towns and cities where non-Humans can live and work.  They are usually relagated to the poorest land and worst forms of labor.        High taxes.  Mostly go to the church and the military.


The ealiest time that Prost could be considered a political entity was during the rule of King Monhar of Youk Kingdom in 2868 when he appointed his son Youn as governor of the region.  The region remained under control of appointed governors from Youk Kingdom until the War of Hrakken Expansion.  When the war was over, no new governor was appointed and the Church of the Trinity took over as de facto governors.    During the Youkan Civil War, the region stayed neutral until it was clear that the north could do no more than hold onto their own territory.  They joined the new nation under Lamlou Gilren and the high priest crowned him as king of Prost Forest.  The church governed the region as they had under Youk Kingdom.  It had more restrictions and both sexist and racist laws and customs.   During the Withering of Jakarak, the High Prince of thePrinceship of Lamlou made a motion to chamge the laws and actions committed against Raharin refugees.  In response, the Church crowned his cousin as King of Prost Forest and declared themselves as an independent nation, forming the Kingdom of Prost.


Prost formed a standing army by 3800.  There is a division stationed at all the major settlements in the Kingdom, though they vary in size dependant on need and such.  Generally, the soldiers stationed at a city are from that city, but once you have joined the army, you can be transfered at any time.   Each division is overseen by a general hand picked by the King and then approved and annointed by the High Priest.  Each general wears a helm with a crown built into it.     Beneath the generals are Commanders who oversee a number of captains.  Each captain is in charge of 10 to 50 rank and file soldiers.  For every ten men under the control of a captain, one is promoted to lieutenant to ensure the captains orders are followed and to serve as backup captains.   Although many of the rank and file soldiers are volunteers, some are conscripted.  The conscription is conducted by the local mayors and lords and is overseen by local priests and bishops.  Conscription usually only occurs when the nation is readying itself for war.     Members of the army do enjoy some benefits including state sponsored housing for their families and free healing from any Church of the Trinity in the country.  When a soldier first joins, they are issued a helmet, a chainshirt, a spear, a shield, and a uniform.  These uniforms are made of white fabric with a tricolored triangle below a crown on the chest.  This uniform is worn over the chainshirt.

Trade & Transport

Road systems   Rivers


The closest thing to public education in Prost is the weekly lessons provided to children by the local Trinitarian Churchs.  These lessons focus on religious legends and stories, some of which are based on historical events.   In the cities and larger towns, there are some private schools for the children of upper-class families.  The curriculum of these schools vary widely,  but most have classes in history, religion, language, and mathmatics in addition to whatever else is being taught.   In Prost, there is a Arcanist school called Essa's School of Evocation it is the most prominent school of Evocation in the west and the largest school of Arcana in the Kingdom.
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Eastern Youk or Prost Kingdom
Predecessor Organization
Trade is often done with triangular coins minted in the capital.  They come in four metal variants: copper, silver, gold, and platinum.  Each coin has the face of the current king on one side, and the high priest on the other.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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