Banished Lands


The Banished Lands, a sprawling island of desolation and penitence, stretch across the northern waters of the continent of Sorus). This isolated territory has been molded by its dark history, bearing the scars of past sins like a forsaken monument. The landscape is a haunting testament to the brutal deeds of its Half-Orc and Tiefling inhabitants during the Age of Chaos, a period stained by their ancestors' alliance with the God of Murder, Bhaal.  


As a consequence of their ancestors' transgressions, the terrain surrounding the Banished Lands is unforgiving and harsh. Jagged cliffs and treacherous mountains dominate the banks of the island, providing a formidable natural barrier to the outside world. Winds howl and whip relentlessly across the rocky peaks, carrying with them the scent of ancient regret. The soil, poisoned by the sins of the past, is barren and rocky, leaving little opportunity for bountiful agriculture.  

The Valleys of Sorrow

In the valleys between these perilous mountain ranges, the land is ravaged by swamps and marshes, the water stagnant and putrid. Eerie mists blanket the damp ground, obscuring the remnants of the once-vibrant flora that has now withered away, leaving behind twisted, gnarled forms of their former selves. The air is heavy with the weight of sorrow, and the flora and fauna that manage to eke out an existence in this desolate environment reflect the darkness of the Banished Lands' history.  

Deadwood Forests

The few forests that remain are twisted labyrinths of thorns and deadwood, their shadows filled with echoes of past atrocities. Far from the verdant groves that once flourished in central Sorus, the trees here stand as broken, hollow sentinels, eternally mourning the corruption of The Ash Forest. The scars left by the ancestors of the Banished Lands' inhabitants run deep, and the land itself bears witness to their cruelty.  

The People

In the heart of this bleak landscape, the people of the Banished Lands labor to survive and repent for the sins of their forebears. They cling to a fragile hope that they may one day be redeemed and accepted by the mainlanders, the ones they now revere as gods. In the face of such adversity and struggle, the Banished Lands have become a living testament to the weight of their past and the possibility of redemption that lies just out of reach.   At the northeastern tip of this forsaken land lies the City of Suffering, a bastion of penance and hope for its inhabitants, while the northwestern coastline is home to the foreboding Demoneye Port. This heavily guarded harbor serves as the island's solitary link to the outside world, a place where residents await a sign from the mainlanders they now revere as gods, hoping for redemption and a chance to escape their bleak existence.

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