Demoneye Port


Demoneye Port is the solitary link between the desolate Banished Lands and the outside world, a heavily guarded harbor where the residents of the island wait for the arrival of the mainlanders. The port is ruled by the Ashenwort family, who hold absolute power over the entire island.  

The Port

Demoneye Port is surrounded by towering cliffs and treacherous waters, aside from the small break in the rocks that allows for passage in and out of the island. Guards patrol the harbor day and night, ensuring that no one leaves without the Ashenwort family's permission.   The buildings here are sparse and provide little comfort, as many of them are used for storage or as barracks for the guards. The only sign of life comes from the guardhouse, where guards gather to drink and socialize when they are off-duty.  


Upon the sighting of a ship in the distance, the guards sound the alarm, and everyone in the port springs into action. The ship is guided into the harbor by skilled pilots, who navigate the treacherous waters with expert precision. Guards patrol the docks, inspecting the ship and its passengers for any signs of illness or subversion. If all is deemed in order, a representative of the Ashenwort family arrives to greet the visitors.   In the event that a Mainlander arrives, Bulettes, massive beasts with tough hides and powerful jaws, are brought in to pull wooden carriages to Suffering, the capital city of the Banished Lands, where Elara Ashenwort will meet the visitors.


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