
Goddess of Life and Bounty

Chauntea is the goddess of life and bounty, who views herself as the embodiment of all things agrarian. The Earthmother is seen as the tamer parallel of Silvanus, The Forest Father of druidry and wilderness, as she is the deity of agriculture and plant cultivation.  

Typical Worshipers

Chauntea's worshipers are primarily farmers, gardeners, and those who work with the land. They seek her blessing and guidance to bring forth bountiful crops, favorable weather, and protection from pests and disease. They view the earth as a living, breathing entity that must be cared for and nurtured in order to provide for their needs. Worshipers of Chauntea believe that by living in harmony with nature, they can achieve a sense of balance and contentment in their lives.  

Clerical Practice

Clerics of Chauntea are typically farmers or gardeners who have been called to serve the goddess. They are skilled in the arts of agriculture and have a deep understanding of the natural world. They are responsible for performing the various rituals and ceremonies that honor Chauntea, as well as tending to the needs of the faithful. Clerics of Chauntea may offer advice and guidance to farmers and gardeners, helping them to grow healthy crops and care for the land in a sustainable manner. They may also provide healing and spiritual guidance to those in need. The holy symbol of Chauntea is a sheaf of wheat or a stalk of corn, and clerics may use these symbols in their rituals and ceremonies.  


A planting festival is held in Chauntea's honor during the spring months, where seeds are blessed and planted in the goddess's name, symbolizing the beginning of the planting season. A harvest festival is held at the end of the growing season, where the first fruits of the harvest are presented to Chauntea as an offering of thanks. Those who seek a bountiful harvest may perform a ritual to ask for Chauntea's blessing on their fields. This may involve the sprinkling of holy water or planting of sacred herbs, along with a prayer or chant to the goddess.  


A prayer for abundance may be offered to Chauntea, asking for her blessing and guidance to bring forth fertile soil, favorable weather, and protection from pests and disease. Those seeking healing for themselves or others may offer a prayer to Chauntea, asking for her aid in restoring health and vitality. A prayer for fertility may be offered to Chauntea by those wishing to conceive a child, asking for her blessing and aid in bringing forth new life. Those seeking prosperity and abundance may offer a prayer to Chauntea, asking for her guidance and protection to bring about success and good fortune.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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