

Hades is a plane of existence known for its insidious power of apathy and despair, draining away joy, happiness, and contentment from those who visit. It is referred to as the Gray Waste due to its special property that drains away color, leaving a drab gray in its place. Planar scholars consider the apathy inherent in Hades as the worst to affect mortals, as it crushes hope.

Blood War

Hades is the home of disease and sees the most open conflict out of any Lower Plane. The Blood War between demons of The Abyss and devils of The Nine Hells plays out in the gray landscape of Hades. Fiends of all types get caught up in the bloody battles, which can rage for days, darkening the already gloomy sky with smoke and shadows of flying monsters.


Gruumsh, the God of Orcs, begrudgingly occupies Hades, where he continues to create legions of goblins and orcs to wreak havoc across the cosmos. His wrath is greatest for the elves, who took his eye and conflicted with him over the promised land, but he also despises the devils and demons, who refuse to ally with him in his quest to rule the cosmos. Fleshslough is the biggest orc city in Hades.

Night hags

Night hags are common in Hades, ruling small territories across all three layers. They are frequent harvesters of larvae, which are the souls of those lost to the graying despair of the plane.


Yugoloths, a race of mercenary fiends, are common on Hades, and the most notable of their bastions of power is Khin-Oin, also known as the Wasting Tower, a 20-mile high bone structure seemingly constructed from the spine of some enormous monster.
Great Wheel Model


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