Labelas Enoreth

God of Time

Labelas Enoreth, god of time, is also known as the Lord of the Continuum. He is responsible for ensuring the orderly passage of time and safeguarding history against those who would alter its path.  

Typical Worshipers

Labelas Enoreth's worshipers are often timekeepers, and chronomancers who seek to maintain and protect the linear flow of time. They value knowledge, wisdom, and patience above all else and work tirelessly to preserve the past and prepare for the future.  

Clerical Practice

Labelas Enoreth's clerics are responsible for maintaining the sacred order of time and history. They act as historians, archivists, and timekeepers, recording significant events and ensuring that the flow of time remains unaltered. They also do not tolerate those who would alter the flow or passage of time, such as the chronurgy wizards of the Fraternity of Orders, and actively work to counter their influence.  

Rituals and Prayers

Labelas Enoreth's followers celebrate the passage of time and honor historical events that have shaped their world. They mark solstices and equinoxes with ceremonies that celebrate the changing of the seasons and the passage of time.
Divine Classification
Greater God


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