
Shipping of goods & Sea transport services

Travel info/Locations

Ships travel at 100km/day. Fare is 3cp per km.

Ship to Elothil: 500km therefore 5 days travel. Large boat travels every Moonday and Fireday. Costs 15 gold.

Ship to Troutbeck: 350km therefore 3.5 days travel. Smaller boat travels every Wineday (small shipments to Troutbeck for fish). Costs 10 gold 5 silver.

Ship to Whitebridge: 200km therefore 2 days travel. Mid-sized boat travels every Thunderday. Costs 6 gold.

Ship to Overhill: 300km therefore 3 days travel. Mid-sized boat travels every Towerday. Costs 9 gold.

Ships can be paid to travel on a unscheduled day for 100 gold to pay for crew and time (disrupts normal operations).

Articles under Seafarers


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