
Summary and history

Overhill is a small halfling city built at the foot of the Halfling Hills . The vast majority of halflings reside in Overhill. The atmosphere is generally festive, and the citizens go about their business of drinking, eating, dancing and singing without interruption.

The Land

Overhill is surrounded by Halfling Hills and small forests. The Eastern Sea separates the city from The Overland .

Large fields of vegetables and berries, as well as fruit, nut and seed orchards are scattered through the rolling hills on the way to the city.

The People

Overhill is inhabited mainly by Lightfoot Halfling 's , though many Stout Halfling 's also live here. Some humans and gnomes have settled into Overhill, though not many. There is also a relatively large number of dwarves who live here. The dwarven population in Overhill have abandoned the hard life of Dun Alsfell and the Mines of Farum . They have chosen to spend their days with their more carefree smaller cousins. The Dwarven Empire of course sees this as dishonorable conduct.

Overhill very much feels like a small town where everyone knows one another, even though nearly 7,000 people live here. The halflings of Overhill love competition and there are always various events to attend. Finding drink and celebration is also rarely an issue, as these people rarely stop partying.

The Leadership

Halflings look to their family elders for leadership. This focus on bloodline allows them to keep traditions going for thousands of years relatively intact. The Elders of the Hill are in charge of Overhill. In Overhill culture, respect for your elders is of the greatest importance.

Law & Defence

The punishments for crimes in Overhill are rather loose due to the fact that its considered dishonorable which is punishment enough. Punishments range from community service (cleaning up after a party) to being exiled for the worst crimes. Halflings don't believe in jailing people and instead try to change bad behavior with kindness and reasoning.

Overhill doesn't see much crime and so there isn't need for a large military force. Local law enforcement takes the form of elders who patrol the streets for miscreants, much akin to a neighborhood watch. Though there are many of these Watch Committees, the most prevalent ones are the Pubwatch and the Overhill Action Group .


Mostly cheaters, a few thief's, and some crooks trying to make a quick buck, these are usually desperate halflings.


Overhill has trade deals with Norbury, Myrefall and Whitebridge for fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. It also has a trade deal with Needlehole's Bingo Bafins Bacterial Bliss , as this cheese is highly desirable. A portion of each shipment of cheese is typically sent to Ker Turum and Bingo Bafin gets a cut.

Overhill offers carriages to travel to Needlehole as there are no inns in Bree. 60km in one day for a 5 silver fee.


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