
Summary and history

Troutbeck is a very small fishing hamlet that has a long history of prosperity. The center of the town boasts a massive cathedral dedicated to the Goddess of the Sea Umberlee.

The Land

The hamlet of Troutbeck is the Northernmost settlement in Sorus. A small port is connected directly to the sea via the Vierka coast. There is also a small channel of rivers that run inland into the Irondeep Mountain Range . The land is not quite fit for farming anything but potatoes and some vegetables, therefore Troutbeckians tend to survive off of fish and seafood.

The People

Troutbeck isn't interesting enough to attract many outsiders. It is rather isolated from the rest of the world due to it's remote location. Most of the inhabitants are forest gnomes that prefer a quiet life over the bustle of Irondeep and Ridgefell. There are some halflings and humans, but only in small number. Fishermen, farmers and hunters gatherers make up most of the population.

The people of Troutbeck share the same kindness and warmth to outsiders that Little Creek has to offer.

The Leadership

This small hamlet is not ruled by anyone in particular, but a town meeting can be called at the large church that occupies the center of town. The topic of the vote is discussed by a neutral party, typically Caldri Yosser . It is then put to a majority vote. Both Caldri Yosser and Fenlin Carkasys are well respected and their opinion holds weight.

Law & Defence

Due to its isolated location and friendly people, Troutbeck has never needed protection from anything other than wild bears and wolves. The hunters of the hamlet provide protection with basic weapons. Many hunters died in a Yeti attack in early Zarantyr 853AC. Caldri's wife Jennefer died in the same attack.


Unruly kids committing pranks on elders is about the only concern.


Trading routes with other realms don't exist due to the extreme North location of Troutbeck. Though a road stemming from Troutbeck passing through The Iron Forest and leading into Ridgefell does exist, it is hardly ever used.

There is a small market in the center of town where townsfolk exchange fish/small game for various hand crafted goods.


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