Temporary Sale Permit

Shaped like a small business card, this simple item allows you to pay trade tax to The Merchants Guild of Norbury. Obtained at the very same guild, this temporary sale permit legitimizes any sale and adheres to the fundamental laws of trade of the City.   Upon any sale, activate the card via voice by declaring the amount earned in the sale. The card will instruct you on how much money to deposit on top of it (currently 5% sales tax). Beware, DO NOT conduct any sale without paying the appropriate tax. Doing so WILL result in a ban from Norbury.   The Temporary Sale Permit is completely free, but must be renewed daily. For this reason, it is encouraged that vendors that will sell more than 160 gold worth of product per month instead obtain a Permanent Sale Permit. Any amount earned in a month greater than 160 gold will offset the 5% trade tax you would pay with a Temporary Sale Permit!   Come get your permits at the Merchants Guild today.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Created by Steven de Bolbec, the specific enchantment is Unknown.
Item type
Book / Document
Base Price


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