The Merchants Guild

Arbitrate all trade, including licenses and trade tax. Please see Temporary Sale Permit and Permanent Sale Permit for more information.

Offer loans and act as a bank. Provide financial support to official city guilds if required (and reasonable).

The Merchants guild recommends going to The Market District for selling items (or to buy common goods) and to go to The Grand Place to buy specialized goods/general shopping. Don't forget to stop at Mead Boulevard before heading down to Sorus Harbor and taking in a wonderful view of the sea.


Led by five powerful Merchants, the cities very best;

Leon Beaumont

Madame Dubois

The Merchant

Steven de Bolbec



Note: Guillermo and Steven de Bolbec are no longer part of the Merchants Guild. Applications are now open.

Thank you.
Controlled Territories

Articles under The Merchants Guild


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