Crusaders of Ash

This group of paladins were founded along with the Coalition of Whitebridge over 600 years ago. Their mission is twofold. First, to accompany those that wish to cross The Ash Forest in order to reach the neutral city of Whitebridge via the South. Secondly, to cleanse the forest of the ash that plagues it. The Crusaders believe in the myth of Livewood , and believe that the spirit of this forest is corrupted but redeemable. The walkers of Ash care for the forest deeply, but also respect its corrupted state, and understand better than anyone the dangers that lie within.

The Crusaders discourage anyone from attempting to cross the forest without their help. A passage fee is not technically required, the Crusaders will accompany travelers as part of their duty (though it is customary to pay or at least offer a gift of some kind).

The Crusaders of Ash worship Silvanus , God of Wild Nature.
Religious, Holy Order

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