The Merchant

No one knows his true name, but The Merchant is supposedly capable of selling literally anything. The merchant has an enormous network of connections and can find anyone or anything, for the right price. Its never been proven, but everyone assumes the Merchant achieves this through shady means. He's very secretive and careful. His clients anonymity takes precedence over everything else.  

How to find him

You walk through unlit side streets for a bit, until you spot a familiar looking homeless man holding out a sign that reads "May Leira bless your path". You of course know of the Goddess of Illusion, and walk down the alley to a dead end; a brick wall. You've done this before, and you simply keep walking through the wall, nothing more than an illusion. You turn a corner and descend a staircase into a small dark opening. A single candle lights a completely barren shop, save for a wooden counter and a curtain behind it. The curtain opens and closes, a hooded figure wearing a plague doctor mask greets you. As the figure approaches the counter, you hear no footsteps.

Welcome, I am The Merchant. Are you looking to buy or sell?

Current Location
Aligned Organization

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