The Star Children

The Cult of the Star Children is a malevolent faction of corrupted Eladrin and other fey beings, whose twisted devotion lies with the eldritch entities of The Far Realm. These beings, believed to be the stars themselves by the cultists, have been worshipped through dark rituals and unspeakable sacrifices, often involving the removal of eyes—a symbolic offering of sight and insight to these unfathomable deities.  

Origins and Beliefs

Once proud inhabitants of The Feywild, the cultists have delved into forbidden lore, worshiping the Far Realm's incomprehensible entities they perceive as celestial beings. Their faith is rooted in the conviction that these cosmic horrors hold the keys to ultimate knowledge and power.  

Transformation and Corruption

The Cult's initiation rites are grisly, marking a heinous departure from the natural order. The self-mutilation, particularly the removal of eyes, symbolizes their abandonment of worldly perceptions for the twisted enlightenment promised by the Far Realm. In return, they receive grotesque appendages, further warping their once Fey bodies.  

The Citadel of the Star Children

Their stronghold, the Citadel of the Star Children, is a menacing structure perched at the Feydark's threshold, presiding over the domain with oppressive dread. Here, in collaboration with The Queen of Darkness, they plot and weave their dark enchantments.  

Conquest of Cendriane

The cult's influence has spread like a shadow across the Feywild, culminating in the capture of Cendriane, once a beacon of the Summer Court's grandeur, now a haunted wasteland under their dominion. It is here that they seek to perform their ultimate ritual to rend the veil between worlds.  

Rituals and Ambitions

Driven by a fervent agenda to invoke the Far Realm's denizens, the cult engages in arcane ceremonies steeped in sacrifice and blood, often involving the eerie motif of eyes. Their most heinous objective remains the summoning of their deities into The Material Plane—a cataclysmic event that could spell doom for all existence.  

Continued Influence

Despite their horrifying practices, the Cult of the Star Children continues to attract new followers, promising untold power and ascension. As their influence grows, so does the threat they pose, not only to the Feywild but to the very essence of reality itself.


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