The Daoine Organization in The Skellige Islands | World Anvil
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The Daoine

The Daoine (Gaelic for People) were forged in the aftermath of the Stormcloak Revolution   The Draken Empire expansion into the Skellige Islands was no match for the isolated farming villages of the North. Living and fighting under separate banners, swathes of the Skellige landscape sucumbed to Draken rule.   The Drake empire not happy with conquering the land and its people started deposing of the Old Gods, , there is no rooom's for gods when there is the almighty High Emperor Maxymer Draken. Centuries old chapels and monuments were destroyed, and many of the sacred and secret standing stones   The devastation that happened at the Ruined Standing stones of Callanish was the single unifying cause that bound the isles of Skåtøy ,@Höfn , Runde and Tromsøya   Leader of the Daoine is King of the Daoine Branaugh Flachnàn . and he is kept in power by his Daoineguard   Have beserker troops that can wild shape. Fiercely respect the Old Gods. Small vessels and boats are common. typically humble/ farmers.      

The Daoineguard

The Daoine army and peacekeeping force is called the Daoineguard Men join though Honourable service

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Daoineguard The Skellige Islands

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