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Porto Ribelle (Por-toh Rih-bel)

Porto Ribelle is a pirate-run settlement built on the bones of Ardente - a thaig that saw the strongest rioting in the wake of the boss articles a decade ago. The Charismatic Captain Goldbeard founded Porto Ribelle as an example of an idyllic dwarven society independent of Companies. All species are welcome in Porto Ribelle, but the culture is decidedly "sky-naval pirate" with the actual practice of piracy as a key part of its civic life.  
Where nuremborc shows actual anarchic socialism, porto ribelle reflects the russian and cuban forms of post-revolutionary communism and how a free society can quickly compromise its ideals in the pursuit of concentrating power.   NEED:

Civic Life

The populace of Porto Ribelle is called "the Camaraderie" (or sometimes "the Universal Crew"), and work as if they were one unified pirate crew, lead by a popular and charismatic "First Captain of Porto Ribelle."   Permanent residences are leant to pirates when they return from a raid. Sothe life of a comrade (the demonym for The Camaraderie) is spent at turns out raiding company ships, or unwinding in what has become the Capital of the Pirate World. Still, as the city continues to develop modern comodities and civic functions, more and more pirates are settling down to work small businesses under the administration of the Court of Officers.   Over the last few years, though, morale has taken a dive. Portions have shrunk. the Grog gets weaker and weaker. Vandalization of Goldbeard's murals has been happening. People are leaving Porto Ribelle to join Captain Gallo's's crew. And Goldbeard's Court of Officers have cracked down, taking a tighter grip on the pireates of the Camaraderie.  
Goldbeard's founding manifesto
All that exists must be free. Private ownership is a theft of that freedom; A theft which is performed by Companies - that institution which exists only to yoke the freedom of individuals. Pirates are those individuals who insist on their freedom - who serve as a crew to liberate the hoard from its captors.   Today in Porto Ribelle we establish a universal crew for any who wish to join it. Here the crew will always eat and drink and be sheltered. For only if the crew is united can it survive The Company. And we will survive. Because a company is made of selves, but a crew is made of Pirates.   It is the duty of the pirate to liberate that which is privately owned, so that it might be shared with the crew. It is the duty of The Captain to ensure the prosperity and justice of their crew. And it is the duty of the crew to eliminate all those who serve the tyrany of The Company.
The Pirate Code
I. The crew will always eat and drink and be sheltered. The bounty of Porto Ribelle is to be shared by the crew.   II. It is the duty of the pirate to liberate that which is privately owned, so that it might be shared with the Crew. Pirates will go out and bring bounty back to Porto Ribelle. (hauls are brought back and the weapons/loot given to captains to distribute. Some are sold to Armstraders/traded. And typically those that make the haul will keep their favorite bits of the loot. The Party does tend to inspect them for that and occasionaly theres some friction there).   III. It is the duty of the Captain to ensure the prosperity and justice of their crew. Disputes between pirates will be brought before their Captains. If a pirate rejects that decision, they may seek justice in a duel beneath the open sky. (The defendant's captain may choose to take their place. disagreements between members of different teams ).   IV. it is the duty of the crew to eliminate all those who serve the tyrany of The Company.  


Porto Ribelle travels unusually high up for a thaig. in part due to its location in the circular orbit at the corners of the world (NEED: come upwith a name like coriolis and caelum). also enables them to capture lightning maybe.   Porto Ribelle is built down *into* the rock of its thaig. more hollow than any other thaig, and held together with criss-crossing pipes that distribute the aether around. It feels like a ship. There are different vertical levels (main, orlop, hold. etc - NEED to revisit with good notes of ship parts). There are 8 general districts from a horizontal perspective: Bow, starboard bow, starboard beam, starboard quarter, Stern, Port quarter, port beam, port bow. In the bottom middle of Porto Ribelle is an open square with an empty hole in the middle (moon door? moon pool?) for executions, or more civilly, the draining of rain.


The once heroic Captain Goldbeard leads as the First Captain of Porto Ribelle. 9 years ago, any pirate would have died for him. But over those 9 years, he's struggled to manage and provide for a growing city. As the numebr of mouths to feed grew, so did the difficulty of maintaining order, and Goldbeard has gradually built the Court of Officers to help him maintain his order. For the good of Porto Ribelle.   A handful of other Captains under his command have challenged his position throughout the years, but the growing threat today is that of Captain Asher "Deadeye" Gallo. He was once Goldbeard's Quartermaster during the rebellion, now he's growing a massive crew in exile to depose Goldbeard - and it seems that there are dozens or more Porto Ribellians secretly loyal to him.   (find out how to work fed spies into the paragraph and setting. maybe not a big presence though. more of a suspicion than anything.)   The greatest sin of his (which likely has *just* been discovered and is currently being suppressed/buried), is that a recent raiding party attacked a companyship carrying food. The Capo of that ship, upon being boarded and planked, claimed that his cargo had been PURCHASED by goldbeard and was en route to deliver to Porto Ribelle. This is a violation of Porto Ribelle's founding principles of anti-company independence.   The Captain leads from the Sterncastle at the back of porto ribelle.  
The Camaraderie
is the term for the "universal crew" that makes up Porto Ribelle's citizenry. Call each other comrade.  
Court of Officers
The Ward Officers are those that uphold Goldbeard's administration of Porto Ribelle. They serve the four Mates of Porto Ribelle. Further, a series of other officers (bosuns, etc, etc) oversee the distribution of the city's resources to its citizen and enforcement of their duty to go out and work raiding parties. The Court of Officers are headquartered in the Wardroom

Law Enforcement

Four Captains (mates of the crew) oversee Ward Officers who (new word for this:) police the streets. Each of those four were prominent mates of Goldbeard's crew during the war and have been elevated to the positions of essentially captains of their own crews. But they're called Mates, and their subordinates are called "Ward officers." These four are assigned to the Bow, Port, Starboard, and Stern, and their ward officers have taken on a bit of the aesthetic character of those four. each of them should be unique and interesting in manner and appearance (think mihawk). One is a Gentleman Pirate. one is a Bravo (and his folks carry big swords and swagger). one is an assassin (in the manner of ezio). and one is a wizard. These four captains serve as part of goldbeard's "cabinet" so to speak.   in the four districts that lie between those four districts (starboard bow, starboard quarter, etc), there's an overlap of authority. consider a HAPPENING where someone has to pay off a Ward officer from the bravos, and then is met by gentelmen pirates that *also* need to be paid off and insist they don't care about the payment to the bravos.  
Whitelisted traders
While commerce with a company is forbidden, pirates of the Camaraderie maintain trading with the Old Families of Aquila, the Three Guilds of San Salvo (secretly and individually, though. There's a lot of tension there, and feds try to crack down on that), Garden Springs (rename to hope springs. was originally philodendron springs), and Nuremborc.  


A school is opening soon, as settling pirates will have a wave of kids around 6/7 at this point. may technically be a HAPPENING, but gotta develop that a little bit to make it interesting enough for an epic fantasy rpg setting. (NEED ish)  

mail service.

None. The greener pirates of each pirate crew are forced to shlep parcels when they need to be sent  

Power / Utilities

Houses are free - you tell The Court how long you're staying on shoreleave and you get a house. you bring your own crystals. which you probably loot from ships when you go out (that life cycle is basically "go pirating. get loot. bring it back to share and enjoy. then go back out."   There are also some mills owned by the Officer's Court, responsible for charging the civic-run businesses. (do i bother giving them names? proabably not. just figure out where in the city they're located.


Some popular sentiments used by the Court of Officers and in their communications   1. "you're a pirate. get back out there and be a pirate (do your part)" uses the Code "It is the duty of the pirate to liberate that which is privately owned, so that it might be shared with the Crew"   2. a company is made of selves, but a crew is made of Pirates   3. it is the duty of the crew to eliminate all those who serve the tyrany of The Company (particularly threatening when presented along 2)  


The Camaraderie distribute flyers with headlines/propoganda. For a while, they were the only printers in the city (people would scoff at the anti-pirateness of publishing articles)   but recently, new news organizations are being founded. which The Party don't feel great about and are pushing back WITH beurocracy (HAPPENING). stuff that's preventing them from working. Zoning shit, where the officers say that the houses are for pirates to use to rest - not to set up shop. Some buildings are used for party functions, but this private news agency isn't FOR the party - it's acting AGAINST porto ribelle (is the claim). So they're relegated to working from their ship, usually.   But certain people there know it's actually deliberate interference from goldbeard, washed with beurocracy.  


i do like the idea of making it a bit more tropic. their cycle around the corners is warm/wet maybe? need to think about the mechanics of that or how it affects the world. their circuit is kind of where the wind *starts* before getting picked up by The Eye and sped up  


lots of murals. a lot of early ones worshipped goldbeard. but the subject has shifted. now some of the old goldbeard murals are being defaced. is it by portions of Captain Gallo's crew? or is it just vandalism by bored young pirates/kids-of-pirates? That speculation is a hot topic.  




Kegby is here. can be done with wagers for better digs/extra shoreleave time. No standing teams - each is just a crew. maybe they're made to use softer mallets?  


  • founding day.
  • -fuococo night.  

    National heroes.

  • Captain Goldbeard - the current leader of porto ribelle.
  • Antonella Fritsi - discoverer of Aether.
  • Giuseppe Vasari - first ship.
  • Religion

    Absolutely no Olympianism. Conjunctivism is ok.  



    Misc Enterprises



    shroomfarming is done here. Pirates are mostly resistant to plowing fields. a lot of the food here comes from gardens growing on the houses (trellisses and all that. Including "sugarvine" which is used for Rum) - but pirates staying the night are pretty shitty gardeners, so the yields aren't great. There are officers who try to check on stuff (and maybe listen in). But hey. somtimes a pirate is wounded in battle and gardening is a part of the rehabilitation process. "The Manor?" Farm
    Otherwise, most of the food is bought from Aquila/surface.  


    NEED MORE <think about this some more> A lot of the restaurants are really kitchens that allow your ship chef to come in and cook what they want.   but there should be a sanji/baratie reference. maybe a very competitive kitchen has grown out of that cycling tradition.   maybe originally, this began because chefs would get a little competitive during shore leave. started deliberately renting places with bigger kitchens. their crew may actually go after targets that are liable to have good spices/ingredients on board (transit companies).  


    a lively piratey tavern. shanties and all that. exactly what you'd expect. but notably, the mood has recently turned downard, as goldbeard has had more officers listening in on potentially dissentious conversations.  


    Delmar's Swap n shop
    Delmar is a pegleg-wearing dwarf who's most interested in a good tale. he'll buy from you, if you can provide a story along with your weapon. and every weapon he sells has a story attached.  
    Revolutionary Arms
    Contracted arms manufacturer for The Camaraderie. nationalized. don't have much for individual sale because they make wholesale arms.  


    Whistler's Chop Shop
    mostly repairs. Tomi Ferari, dwarf, m, 71. Winry Gengai, human, f, 48. Elektra Luggash, orc, f, 39. Master chop shop and mechanic. Whistler is Tomi's nickname. (a ship belongs to its own captain - that's not private ownership. that's a relationship) so ship repairs are paid for from a haul (first) and then the rest is distributed. In some occasions, a captain can't pilot their ship due to damage, so they'll serve on another ship to earn the funds for repair).  
    Volante Shipbiulding
    build whole ships. Ezio volante, head shipwright. they're an upstart shipbuilder making and selling entire ships. buy some parts from Whistler's. Given great digs by The Court.  

    Item Shops


    Role: Pirate Capitol
    Themes: Corruption of ideals as power concentrates
    anarchists becoming fatcats.
    Birth of a post-revolution beaurocracy.
    Feel: post-revolutionary-Cuba
    Touchpoints:Nassau, Pirate Republic, Animal Farm
    Power Dynamic: Power is concentrating in the wake of a vacuum.
    Elements: weird vibe - never know who's fucking you over. a different kind of "noble court," leaders creating heirarchy in a series of small steps
    Genre: court intrigue. adventure
    Villains/Patrons: The Party. representatives of EXILE. Fed Spies.
    Adventures: staring down pirates with a bluff. organizing whispered mutinies
    Hubbub: LEADER is becoming paranoid. maybe attacks on his life. paranoid over fed spies infiltrating. or EXILE spies. he tries to root out even mention of EXILE like wwe does. he has a monopoly to maintain
    Events/set pieces around:
    Population: 1820
    Dwarves: 65%
    Orcses: 14%
    Humans: 12%
    Elves: 2%
    Galvan: 4%
    Kin: 3%
    Pirate Court (aka The Party) Gold Beard turning fascist to hold onto power. and becoming corporate to aqcuire the resources to provide for the settlement. whispers of EXILE and mutiny.
    Location under


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