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San Salvo (San Sal-voh)

  San Salvo is an industrial Manufacturing hub for Scalatoran Society. Three competing Guilds represent the whole of the city's enterprises, and limit commerce between them through the use of Trading Licenses for each guild. A close oversight by the Federal Navy keeps the enterprises productive and the guilds in a state of cold war. A growing political party called the USSP seeks to throw off the yoke of the Feds and allow the Thaig to negotiate its own contracts with the society it's been made to serve.   this is where uni grads come to find a job in engineering (if they don't get hired as a private guyver on a company ship). lots of business here in development of manufacturing machines and other industrial advancements (like agriculture).   USSP inspired in part by sartrug. sartrug said that the source of conflict is material scarcity. so uniting raises the bar. more for everyone to eat)   NEW:
United San salvan party wouldn't be the only party. there would be a whole smear of groups across the center, left, and right. Devlelop this. Need mensheviks, SRs, etc. we can leave out the black hundreds/pogroms - the fed is strong enough here that it has villainy covered. they would be aware/informed by international lefts. like the nasarran resistance/activism, and porto ribelle (which looks bad to all the center/rights)  
  • City's identity as craftsmen vs its role as cogs in a larger nation. (pride in identity vs utilitity as a role)
  • Patriotism weaponized (some using it to advocate for city-first. some using it to advocate for Scalatore First).
  • "Competition kills cooperation" Divisions between the 3 company/unions prevent them from getting anywhere. stalemates of trivial tribal differences preventing the power of collective action.
  • Those That Own need to keep Those That Work divided.
  • happenings
  • Automation Controversy.
  • Player Party has to procure a license to buy from any traders in town.
  • USSP advocates for Seceeding from the federation - breaking off existing orders with companies and re-establishing San Salvo as its own entity, forcing the scalatoran world to meet them on their own terms. its a call to Strike, essentially.
  • potentially point them to the defunct independent paper and/or one of the former writers for it who now works for the USSP.
  • orchestration of a cross-union kegby match, for real. at it, false flag Feds will incentivize a crowd-fight and hooliganism.
  • job: the stolen technology of the Ettason Crucible. Invented by a guy at Rig. Upon discovering that it could trap Galvan, tried to bury/destroy it. but it was recovered/stolen and is now in use at Union Power. They have caught a couple Galvan (it destroys the identity of the Galvan trapped, like repeated travel does and turns them into the pure id of one of the big dino types)
  • Those existing deals they want out of:
  • quota of Boarding Suits at very low prices (and exclusivity). they cut costs and then have to deal with harsh investigations when the suits fail.
  • navy ships come in for repairs, and a previously negotiated discount.
  • (traditionally they received free food from casadoro as part of this deal. they've been pushing to agriculturalize on their own)
  • Companymen on their commission rubberstamp Casadoran/company laws with little support form the SanSalvan populace.
  • FIB and peacekeeper corruption. individual people getting extorted. they can take it up with their guildies, but the guilds are ocassionally not in a position to rock the boat with the fed.
  • Guilds

    Three guilds essentially function as corporations here. The general vibe of them is a varying form of an incorporated organization - the FFS is stepped in "mafia" vibes most directly. These three unions force competition between themselves, when cooperation would VASTLY improve the state of San Salvo. (meanwhile, the initiative to break away from the federation. would only work if they united).  
    SWU - Sansalvan Workers Union
  • vibe: Corrupt but very organized union. union president is 'elected. Raphael Vitale.' Hide behind their terminology. Plaster the word union on everything. Either biggest in population or geography; not sure which. Automation happening here, at Gallileo and soon Beretta + Invicti. Quite a few Sporcans here.
  • Gallileo Shipbuilding - Biggest ships. Low Volume. prestige. maximum elevation. fishing. water harvesting. berg harvesting.
  • Invicti Defense - Defensive specialists. personal armor. inventors of the Boarding Suit.
  • Beretta Smithy - long range guns. mostly for ships, but also rifles.
  • Justinia Trading - trade and stock management. buy from companies and use that to fuel the companies in the SSWU.
  • Carbone's Fine Weaponcraft - Carlotta Carbone, f, dwarf. smith here who owns a *broken* katana from the Sages (Kuina Ichimonji in Almira) here mounted on her wall behind the counter. talks about its extreme quality. it's not for sale. (tease Almira to them). And one of her hammers was able to break it - any of hers would be!
  • Moretti's Handcannons - Giani Moretti, m, dwarf. gun crafter. Handcrafted and singular guns.
  • Union Power - Power Enterprise. This is where the Ettason Cage is being used. They really have to scramble to find power sources for the extreme load the union draws. Ferroman keep taking their windmills and related sources of power.
  • Mushnik Agriculture - Agricultural development enterprise. volume of growth.
  • Ironsides Inn - welcoming inn in the District. Doesn't require a license to stay here, and they can get you set up with a temp (is that allowed? probably, yeah. they need tourism).
  • The Bell Tavern, run by an orc, where a regular espouses anti-fed ideas.
  • FFS - Francone Family Syndicate)
  • vibe: Mafia. Run by the Francone family. Mayyyybe they have an external financier feeding them stuff. Could have ties to Aquila (not super traditional though). (Gioi, Toni, Luca, Sonni, Vini). one of the family members will offer you a discount on "exotic goods" - stolen from other districts. the Ferroman family has sort of a thieves guild which regularly robs those groups).
  • Francone Shipyards - Fastest ships. quick height alteration. beast hunting. electricity harvesting.
  • Cinque Ordnance - Explosive specicalists. make the knockoff boarding suits
  • Stretto Arms - Piercing weapon specialists. Armor-piercing rounds.
  • San Salvan Combat Gear - They make armor/belts. they also cooperate with Cinque on the knockoff boarding suits.
  • Mercini Traders) - trade and stock management
  • Burbero Slagworks(landmark) - power facility, burning slag.
  • The Julien Inn - hotel in Ammasso. Can set you up with a temp license.
  • Sal's Shivs and Sabres - Marco DiStefano, m, dwarf. a real salesman. also a great blade crafter.
  • Knuckles Pool hall (tavern).
  • Arcadian Bounty - Agricultural development enterprise. gaining benefits from the food like endurance, etc.
  • RIG - Reasonable Inventors Guild
  • vibe: Cogs. Gears. Toolbelts. Some Nuremborcses here. so individualized that they have trouble agreeing on anything. (maybe) Until recently, <edison> was here, but he's moved to casadoro. There's an embiterred Tesla here. kind of a hotshot among rig. bold ideas. and is kind of aimless now that his big competition has left.
    Edison left 10 years ago(ish).
  • Da Bello Masterworks - principally ship-design. high tech, lots of guyvered gadjets. needlessly complicated. requires lots of maintenance. hidden compartments (popular with smugglers). quick turns. experimental elevation limits. water/electricity harvesting gadgets. other ship-borne gadgets.
  • Division working on agricultural development enterprise working on tools and hydroponics. Ways to grow plants on-ship.
  • Moltisante Repeating Arms - multishot guns. mostly rifles. high-calibre guns here. like an M4
  • Borland Beltmakers - toolbelts.
  • Norwalk Materials - trading company, manages crystals and slag and whatnot.
  • Threes Inn Inn. nutjob numerologist running the hotel. weird room numbers.
  • Ruben's Berg (lounge/bar)
  • Individual Artisanal guyvers. essentially magic item shops. "Archi Bernuli" "Gimli Faride" "Yuri Caruso" "Fibbonacci" <- what do i do with this? make a magic item shop with competing inventors? split them up as characters in the Rig administration? i think the RIG admin should be really split up. everyone very independent and doing their own thing.


    Civic Life

    People shouting "unite" ideas in the courtyard. Company/Guild Ads/Propoganda in each District. Occasional murals   Hours - Two 8-hour shifts (with 30 minute lunch) at most companies. Mandatory quiet hours in the remaining 7 hours. Nightclubs are even shut down in those hours. Only the peacekeepers work then, and they patrol the streets. they're really rooting out illegal gatherings in those hours under the auspices that they're ensuring neighboring workers get rest.  


    Triangular for the most part with a HUGE clearing in the middle ("the courtyard - San Salvo"). Tower ("the Spindle in the middle up to a neutral docks for ships that don't want to dock at one of the shipbuilders' berths (high demand for edge of thaig). Around that tower in the middle are various stands (food, fruit, fish, etc). Within that tower is an elevator upkept by RIG. Additionally, the base of that tower supports a squat, ringlike barracks for the Feds.   3 districts are "Rigside" "Ammasso" and the "Union Quarter" Uniform sound of hammers rings out across courtyard from SSWU. SSWU actually has Marching Bands play to upkeep this rhythm. Between the SSWU and FFS districts are a truly horrible part of town to live in. As bands attempt to drive people further into those districts. And feds set up in the empty buildings.   The Courtyard feels like an aircraft carrier, but it's not an official military base. the city gave them a limited space and they're overusing that foothold. The Spindle has 3 elevator shafts which use crystals (gotta bring your own) to power platforms that bring people/cargo up/down from the docking spots. At the bottom of the spindle is a squat bunker for the Peacekeepers.  


    The San Salvo Commission
    11 seats: 2 at each guild and then 5 individual (companymen). The guilds play politics with these 5 individuals and make deals and stuff like that. but IF the 3 guilds united, they'd have a majority over the companies. Food industries would have a lot of sway here (though the fed could threaten those food industries if Sansalvo rebels and they aid them). the guilds wouldn't mind getting rid of the military base via the commission - the problem is getting all 6 to agree on something.  
    Unified San Salvan Party
    USSP - People who want San Salvo to throw off the Feds and make its own deals. self-govern.  

    Law Enforcement

    Federal Peacekeepers - San Salvo
    Branch of the Federal Navy, HQd at the bottom of the Spindle. Polizia which "keep the peace" between the 3 guilds. Actively seek out collaborations between guilds under the auspices that they're trying to prevent violence.   They have access to a huge number of Boarding Suits as well. which they use as riot gear in case of a rebellion.  
    Federal Investigations Bureau - San Salvo
    The intelligence agency branch of the Feds. They plant info to keep the 3 Guilds at odds. Surrepticiously seek out collaborations between guilds under the auspices that they're trying to prevent violence. they use the Standard to paint a picture of a divided San Salvo.   Additionally, each Guild has a small force of thugs/muscle. SWU muscle feature a lot of orcs. RIG muscle wear gadget-gloves that can produce electricity. The Ferroman muscle make a lot of threats of explosives/fire.  


    On the Job training happens, and there are primary schools (with a side of trade school) operated by each Guild. But there are no universities here. SWU: Union Trade and Elementary. FFS: The Ferroman Education Facility. RIG: Cliffside Polytechnic Institute. (provided in exchange for dues)  

    Mail Service

    a central post office serviced by 3 different mail services: SWU mail features added security - they repackage your mail for safer transport (and read it). RIG use automated mailboxes connected to pneumatic tubes that occasionally get clogged. FFS have bike messengers that zip around - the fastest service. (provided in exchange for dues)  

    Power / Utilities

    each district has power provided by that guild. otherwise you can't by crystals. so you have to get your power through one of those companies and that limits who you can buy from. SWU: Union Power. FFS: burb . RIG: @the Foundry. (provided in exchange for dues)  


    The Gold Standard is here. Fed-run, and company friendly. much price-gauging on ad prices between the Guilds. Most people ignore it. OFTEN focus on conflict between the guilds and suppress information about the USSP.   There *was* an Independent paper, with 3 sections. each run by writers from that guild. Front page is sometimes just the Name, as the guild-editors can't agree on a neutral frontpage headline. A lot of Fed attention was paid to this paper, until it was eventually shut down when the Feds claimed that violent conflict broke out between the 3 editors and their staff. Players could track down some of the former writers who now work with the USSP. (HAPPENING)  

    Public Transportation

    idependent Trollies that navigate the sectons and go to the middle courtyard.  

    Private Investigators

    Belltower Detective Agency office
  • contracted most often just to keep tabs on affiliations of individuals.
  • infiltrated/used by the FIB to make up bullshit in their investigations.
  • Hogg the Hunter, Investigations office


    People take pride in their work, but are pushed to extreme limits, and the city isn't terribly wealthy as a result of the prices the Feds get out of them.  


    murals commissioned by guilds + feds. like the Works Progress Administration stuff in the 20th century.  


    There's a natural music of the clanging hammers. Marching Bands "war" at the borders of the districts to drown out opposing rhythms and incentivize borderfolk to move inward. Additional bands are hired by the unions for musical lunchbreaks to keep the rhythm.  


    there are kegby teams (6), but distrust between Guilds mean that matches never actually happen inter-guild. always cancelled / pulled-out for fear of having workers injured in the match. So most games are done between the two teams of a single union. And mallets are softened. Less exciting. matches are essentially a game of chicken via threats. One match *finally actually happening* would be a good happening. Orchestrated by the Feds so they can stage a riot/hooligan fight and fight unification sentiment. There are sport facilities in each district, probably. Or played in the the courtyard - San Salvo among small bleachers since it's not a huge thing here.
  • SWU: The Union Welders. The Beretta Riflemen.
  • FFS: The Ironmen. The Powdermen.
  • RIG: The DaBello Guyvers. The Beltmen.
  • Holidays

  • Laborer's Day. (people only work half shifts)
  • National heroes.

  • Enzo Mancini - Founder.
  • Francine Francone - Founder of Francone family
  • Gallileo Longi(Person) - Founder of Gallileo
  • Giovani Fermi and Enrico Aldini folks that put RIG together intitially.
  • Bonano Gherardo person that built the spindle.
  • minor:
  • Antonella Fritsi - discoverer of aether
  • Giuseppe Vasari - first ship
  • Tommaso Bianci - harpoon gun inventor.
  • Religion

    NEED more dev Conjunctivism is here. but under intense scrutiny from FIB. Sects are kept separate between the guilds, though the members of the church may try to fight that. going so far as to invite the FIB to sit-in on their meetings. Good opportunity to show Conjunctivism.   an Olympianism church? probably NEED to understand it better in order to figure out if it has a place here.   fomori worship is present as well. called "muses," remember. no temple or anything - just people communing in private.



    Misc Enterprises



    pigs kept by the Francone Family Syndicate. Chicken coops kept by Sansalvan Workers Union. Shroomfarming in the lower portions. lot of foods grown on the roofs of factories. tomato vines. Pamphlets passed out like those little yard signs about "Grow, don't mow."  


    Chicago Style Deep Dish pizza. SWU has Giordano's Pizza. FFS has Gusano's pizza. RIG has Ubaldo's.  


    "nightlife" doesn't exist due to the curfew. Instead there are shifted daylife in Joints. Any of these can provide an opportunity for links to the USSP - potentially at night, underground.  
    The Bell
    SWU. Orc barkeep, Felix Voggul, M. union district. sons of liberty-style bar. wooden furniture from Nuremborc. A regular or two here (dwarves, not orcses) knows a bit about Sartrug the destroyer and will preach the anti-classist freedoms from him to any that listen and don't seem to be feds. will expect orcses to join him, and be disappointed if they don't.  
    Knuckles Pool hall
    FFS. Dwarven barkeep, Gia Ricci, F. the ferroman compound. dwarven pool is played with tiny kegby mallets.  
    Ruben's Berg
    RIG. Dwarven barkeep, Leonardo De Luca, M. Rigside The lounge requires a story of steps to climb to get in. A chill lounge with orcish/elven jazz playing. hipster sort of - really complicated cocktails the specialty here. They also serve a lot of espresso.  


    Moltisante Repeating Arms
    RIG - multishot guns. mostly rifles. haven't quite invented a cannon for this. but there are some high-calibre guns here. like an M40 (is that a thing? an M4? idk).
    Stretto Arms
    FFS - Piercing weapon specialists. (ballista/harpoons/spears). Armor-piercing rounds.
    Cinque Ordnance
    FFS. Explosive specicalists. make the knockoff boarding suits (less armor, longer thrust).
    Invicti Defense
    SSWU - (slogan: You can't win if you're dead). Defensive specialists. personal armor. inventors of the Boarding Suit.
    Beretta Smithy
    SSWU - long range guns. mostly for ships, but also rifles 70/30.
    San Salvan Combat Gear
    FFS - they make armor/belts. they also cooperate with Cinque on the knockoff boarding suits.
    Borland Beltmakers
    RIG - toolbelts.
  • individual weapons crafters (at SSWU)
  • --Carbone's Fine Weaponcraft - Carlotta Carbone, f, dwarf. smith here who owns a *broken* katana from the Sages (Kuina Ichimonji in Almira) here mounted on her wall behind the counter. talks about its extreme quality. it's not for sale. (tease Almira to them). And one of her hammers was able to break it - any of hers would be! --Moretti's Handcannons - Giani Moretti, m, dwarf. gun crafter. Handcrafted and singular guns.  


    Gallileo Shipbuilding
    SSWU - (Polli (Paoletta) Lucciano) Biggest ships. Low Volume. prestige. maximum elevation. fishing. water harvesting. berg harvesting. Legendary Ship: the Iceberg  
    Francone Shipyards
    FFS - ) Fastest ships. quick height alteration. beast hunting. electricity harvesting.  
    Da Bello Masterworks
    RIG - high tech, lots of guyvered gadjets. needlessly complicated. Guyvered gadgets/bells/whistles/features. requires lots of maintenance. hidden compartments (popular with smugglers). quick turns. experimental elevation limits. water/electricity harvesting gadgets.  

    Item Shops

  • Individual Artisanal guyvers for RIG. essentially magic item shop.
  • black market goods

    The Charger
    - FSS. code name for Dante Toretto's (M 50, dwarf). crew. part of the Ferroman Shipyards operation. They'll come out to meet you outside the thaig (boat-to-boat).  
    the Butcher
    - RIG. code name for the mechanic who will chop a ship for parts. DaBello also has an operation going. sometimes ships disappear there. if someone asks about it "ah, our stealth technology package, you mean" but this is riskier as you have to dock. the difference is that DaBellow has an elevation opportunity here. Butch is short, even for a dwarf.


    Role: Chicago / Industrial Manufacturing City
    Inspiration: Chicago, Pittsburg + American-Revolution-Colonies
    Themes: City's identity as laborers vs its role in a larger nation. Patriotism weaponized (some using it to advocate for city-first. some using it to advocate for Scalatore First).
    Hubbub: Seccessionist faction advocating for a split from Casadoro and pursuing free-er trade. Ties to The Ancestors Wrath (supplying weapons to them)
    Events/set pieces around: Fine craftsmanship re: weapons and armor. bougie shops.
    New Money Parties
    Population: 10890 Dwarves: 83%
    Orcses: 9.9%
    Humans: 3.5%
    Elves: 3%
    Galvan: <1%
    Kin: <1%
    Large city
    Location under

    Articles under San Salvo


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