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Bastion is the name of a sentient and powerful legendary artifact in the form of a rapier that possess the capacity to absorb souls. Bastion is most well-known for his possession of Legolass Darkblade during the events of the Great Dragon War. The origins of Bastion are shrouded in mystery.  



Meeting Legolass

  It is unknown how Bastion ended up in his current form as a rapier, though it is clear that at some point in the past he was a human. Few know of the sword's true nature, however, and therefore not much study has been conducted on the artifact.   In 1478, Bastion was located by Ajest, an agent in the Hand of Mana. While attempting to find a way to destroy or permanently seal the sword, Bastion used the various souls he had absorbed to attack Ajest, threatening to escape. In a desperate bid, Ajest used all of his remaining power to seal Bastion, rendering him inert and non-sentient, at the cost of his entire being. Later that day, Ajest's ward, Legolass returned home to find her mentor missing and only a fancy rapier left in his place, which she assumed was a parting gift.   Unaware of his true nature, Legolass used Bastion in her escapades for over twelve years, from stealing from the blue dragon Lennithon to the Raid on Tumbleton.  


  In 1491, during the Baldur's Gate Uprising, Legolass and her friends Mariana Goldfinch, Malachor, and Eilidh fought Cult of the Dragon White Wyrmspeaker Alexander Rake. The extreme magical energy that radiated off of Rake's Cloak of the White Dragon proved to be enough to awaken Bastion, who claimed to Legolass that he was sent by Ajest to protect her.   Over the next few months, Bastion would communicate with Legolass mentally, encouraging her to kill people with him to absorb their souls and make her stronger.   In early 1492, Legolass and her adventuring companions, now calling themselves the Breadwinners, infiltrated the Mere of Dead Men to disrupt the Cult of the Dragon's smuggling operation. Legolass and the Breadwinners then participated in a Bullywug Hunt where they found Yssondreneth's Tomb being guarded by Pharblex Splattergoo. While attacking Splattergoo, Legolass was swallowed by a froghemeth. Bastion convinced Legolass the only way she could escape was to give part of her soul to him, to empower the blade enough to escape. Legolass agreed, and the two were freed. However, Legolass's appearence now resembled that of a half-elf, as her complexion had splotches of dark skin, her ears rounded, and her hair shrunk and grew darker. In addition, Bastion could use Legolass voice to speak.  

Controlling Legolass

Bastion began then exerting more control over Legolass, revealing himself to be a more antagonistic figure. Due to the sharing of bodies, not even the anti-magic mythal of Silverymoon could suppress him. Bastion also began exerting limited influence over Legolass, preventing her from informing her friends or the Blackstaff of her state. All the while, people killed by Bastion had their souls absorbed into the blade, empowering him further.   During the Breadwinners' fight against Neronvain, the green wyrmspeaker, and his dragon Chuth, Bastion forced Legolass to stab and kill Eilidh when the latter was weakened and out of sight from the rest of the party. Legolass pleaded with Bastion to free Eilidh's soul so she could be resurrected, and Bastion did so on the condition that Legolass give even more of her own soul to him. Legolass agreed.   Bastion's control over Legolass increased further, turning her features more masculine and even changing one of her eye's color even as her skin grew darker. Legolass found it harder and harder to resist Bastion when he exerted his influence over her.   During the Breadwinners' mission to Ken Asari, to retrieve the Staff of Shadowfell Sundering, Legolass discovered a relic of Corellon, imbued with the spirit of one of his clerics, that had enough divine magic to temporarily revert Legolass to her old self. In addition, while in Xonthal's Tower, Legolass experienced a vision of herself being rescued by a divine figure.  

Obtaining Full Power

  During the Battle at the Well of Dragons, the Cult of the Dragon began the mass sacrificing of souls to empower the ritual to summon Tiamat. The Breadwinners defeated Don Rel and stopped the ritual, however the souls used to power it remained. While the Chromatic Pentagram began sinking back into Avernus, Bastion forced Legolass to absorb the souls. The resulting influx of power caused Bastion soul to completely takeover Legolass's body, bringing Bastion to full strength. The Breadwinners attempted to stop Bastion, who summoned spectral figures of all the souls he had accumulated to fight back.   One soul Bastion did not retain was Legolass, who was saved by Corellon himself and resurrected. During the fight, Bastion managed to slay Malachor, but was ultimately defeated by Legolass. The final blow released all the souls Bastion had gathered and rendered him inert and non-sentient again. As the Breadwinners escaped, Bastion was left behind in the Chromatic Pentagram as it sunk back into Avernus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As a rapier, Bastion is very ornate, with a gold hand guard and decorative inlays on the metal. While active and absorbing souls, black smokey tendrils sneak down the edge of the blade to steal a foe's soul. These tendrils are faint and difficult to see for the unobservant.   As a man, Bastion has dark skin and ornate, fine clothing complete with a golden crown. He stands with impeccable posture. In addition, two large black and red wings sprout from his back, hinting at some sort of devilish origin.

Personality Characteristics


Why Bastion is the way he is remains a mystery. His clothing and appearance suggests that of a king or ruler at some point, and the most common theory presented, by the few who knew of his existence, is that of an ancient ruler attempting to gain more power through horrific arcane means.   It is clear that while Bastion remains a sword, his single most important goal is to gather enough souls and power to form himself a physical body, but what he plans to do then is unknown.


Contacts & Relations

Bastion got to know the various members of the Breadwinners fairly well throughout their journey, though never progressed to the point where they were friendly with one another. In fact, the majority of the Breadwinners distrusted Bastion and everything he said implicitly.   Bastion's relationship with Legolass was more complicated. Despite the imminent threat of losing her soul, Bastion would provide council to the young elf and provided her power. However, Bastion took no measures to preserve her soul during the Battle at the Well of Dragons, proving she was only a means to an end.
Bastion as a rapier
Bastion as a human 
Neutral Evil
Current Location


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