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The Nomads of Oros

The Nomads of Oros (Nomads or Wanderers) is the name of the groups of people whose lifestyle involves the constant moving between settlements.


  The Nomads can trace their origins to the early years of The Exalos Dynasty, as much as 1,500 years before The Scouring. In the early days the Nomads started as groups of traders and workers who would travel in groups for protection as they travelled from town to town selling their wares or looking for work.   As time passed the bonds between the individuals grew stronger until they considered themselves family. They got married, had children, and grew old together, all while travelling from town to town selling their wares and looking for work.   When the original Oriana Imperium was founded, many groups of Nomads moved north and are often considered responsible for supplying the new towns with the resources they needed to survive.   During the Scouring the Nomads were hit hard. Nearly every family or travelling group had at least one human among them making themselves targets for The Pyreburner's minions. However the Nomads rallied together and were responsible for evacuating many from towns and cities across Oros and organising counter attacks.   After the Scouring the numbers of Nomads soared with many displaced families finding safety and peace in Nomad caravan groups.

Present Day

Nomads represent a significant group of people across Oros, specifically in The Kingdoms of Exalos , Stovia , and The Second Oriana Imperium. The Nomads tend to avoid Insomnia due to how difficult it is to enter and leave via the Insomnian Mountain Range and The Wall (ancient ruin that blocks the road into Insomnia). The Nomads see no value in The Eastlands (much like the rest of the population of Oros). A few seafaring Nomads have made their way to Emros.   Nomads are made up of nearly all races of Oros. Nomads are generally very accepting of new members and will not judge them based on their race or where they came from.   Nomads are very popular in most towns and cities. Nomads bring goods, coins, stories from the road, and extra security. Most towns will make an effort to ensure there is room for the Nomad caravans and that they can run their businesses unimpeded.   Due to the large size of their travelling parties and the training of their guards, travelling with Nomads is one of the safest ways to go from one town to another.   Due to their constant travelling, Nomads know the best shortcuts on the roads, the best places to camp, the places to avoid, and the unmarked villages just off the roads. There are many hidden Halfling villages that will throw a feast should the Nomads arrive.   Nomads have adopted a coming of age ceremony called 'The Journey'. As their members approach adulthood they are encouraged to travel either by themselves of with people who are outside their community. The idea is they are to experience the world without any biases the Nomads may have, and to learn and develop the skills they may need when they return to their Nomad family.   The Nomads have a close association with The Silver Strings. Many of the Nomads are members of the Silver Strings, or will offer them support in times of need. There is a myth that the Nomads founded the Silver Strings as a musical band that infiltrated a keep to overthrow a villainous warlord.
Founding Date
1 ED
Social, Group
Alternative Names
Nomads, Wanderers


While the Nomads do not have an official leadership structure which allows official alliances, the Nomads of Oros are welcome and encouraged within any town or city within the Second Oriana Imperium.


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