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History of The Tempest Realm

Tempest Times

... 10000 PS

  • 0 TT

    The Universe was Created
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Before anything there was them, the Elder One. At first they created space, and then they created time. When space and time interacted the chaos of the universe was born.

  • 1 TT

    10000 TT

    Taming of The Tempest Realm
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Powerful Gods and Entities attempted to tame the chaos of the universe.

Dawn Times

10001 PS 12000 PS

  • 1951 DT

    Mysterious Extintion Event
    Disaster / Destruction

    A long time ago an event occured that nearly wiped all humanoids off the world. The massive cities of Dwarves and Elves emptied and in some cases vanished.

Exalos Dynasty Times

12001 PS 13500 PS

  • 0 ED

    Rise of the Exalos Dynasty
    More reading
    The Exalos Dynasty
  • 1197 ED

    Founding of the Oriana Imperium
  • 1200 ED

    Founding of Bhur Kohlbur

    A large group of dwarves migrated to The Oriana Imperium and settled in the mountains to the east. There they discovered gold and other metals and minerals.

    More reading
    Bhur Kohldur
  • 1421 ED

    The Settling of Noxhaven
    Construction beginning/end

    Across the great eastern ocean the city and country of Noxhaven was founded on the ruins of an ancient city.

  • 1428 ED

    Fall of the Exalos Dynasty

    The Exalos Dynasty fell due to in infighting. In its place rose The Kingdoms of Exalos, thought they don't refer themselves to that.

  • 1496 ED

    1500 ED

    The Scouring
    Era beginning/end

    About 300 years ago a brutal war erupted between the humans and the Pyreburner, the Pyreburner unleashing hoards of demons on the human towns.

    More reading
    The Scouring

Post Scouring Times

13501 PS and beyond

  • 0 PS

    Death of the Pyreburner
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Death of the Pyreburner in the city of Amberlight. This death destryed Amberlight and rendered the surrounding land uninhabitable. This marked the end of The Scouring.

  • 98 PS

    Unification of Insomnia

    Over 200 years ago a paladin simply known as Stormfury united together the cities, towns, villages, and areas south of The Wall to fight off a demonic scourge that tried to infiltrate and take over the lands. On their success, Stormfury was crowned as the first King of Insomnia.

  • 235 PS

    Gudnak Dat joins the Second Oriana Imperium
    Political event

  • 261 PS

    Creation of the first Airships
    Technological achievement

    The creation of the first ever known airships in Hollowholt.

  • 288 PS

    Fall of Hollowholt
    Disaster / Destruction

    The legendary city Hollowholt, an advanced Magocracy, fell from the sky. All that remains is the ruins which scatter the island of Hollowholt.

    More reading
  • 298 PS

    Destruction of Chillmaw
    Disaster / Destruction
  • 301 PS

    Birth of the Gearborn
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Gearborn were switched online in Amberlight.