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Bhur Kohldur

Bhur Kohldur is a massive dwarven fortress city located in the Western Mountains.   This city blocks the road that would lead over the mountains to the country of Stovia. However, the area of Stovia that the road leads to is full of chaotic and/or evil Goblinoids, Orcs, and other 'monstrous' races. Because of this, the Dwarven Guard is a very well trained military and defensive force.   While the city has a large number of massive buildings, well over half the city itself is located underground in an extensive network of mines, and it is rumoured that they have reached the Underdark – though this has not been proven so. It is possible that the population of the town is much higher with large groups living underground.


95% Dwarf, 5% Other

Points of interest


There are three main mines that lead into the undercity.   Silvervein Mines: A large mine that not only leads to the undercity, but also leads further deeper underground, and has hit several tunnels that lead to the underdark.   Nightaxe Mines: A large mine that leads to the undercity. It covers a large area of the undercity and homes a lot of dwarves and businesses.   The Nightaxe mines also contain most of the mirrors that redirect sunlight into the undercity.   Frostpeak: A large mine that leads into the undercity as well as a large network of tunnels leading in all directions. May of these tunnels have carts and tracks that operate on a pulley and gravity system to allow for fast travel from some areas to others.

The Crown Fortress

When the dwarves first settled this area they had planned on building a massive fortress and crown a 'King of the Dwarves' here. While the fortress was built, the Dwarves could not decide on a king. Instead the Dwarves formed a Council of Elders to rule the city.

Day Market

A large open area within the city walls to allow for traders to set up and sell their wares. There are plenty of permanent and semi-permanent shops set up here.

Hall of the Dawnhammer

A massive temple to the Dawnhammer.

Hall of the Dwarven Guard

A set of buildings and grounds that are used by the Dwarven Guard to train and live. The Dwarven Guard take the roll of both the town guard and the Bhur Kohldur military.

Silverfinger Evoker School

A school for dwarven wizards run by the Silverfinger family. The school also trains some of the more intelligent members of the Dwarven Guard.

Battleblade's Blades for Battle

This store sells Dwarven weaponry and armour.

Brighthelm Goatherdery

This farm within the city sells Giant Mountain Goats for people wanting to explore the mountains.   The Goatherdery also sells basic adventuring supplies. They also list names of guide for exploring the mountains.

Colosseum of Glory

Near the Crown Fortress is a large Colosseum. Here feats of athletics take place, drawing great crowds. It can be also used by the Council of Elders to make public announcements.

The Jester and Mug

A large tavern near the Day Markets. It has a mixture of cheap and fancy rooms.   The tavern has a stage set up where anyone can perform.

The Iron Beard

An up-market tavern that also has several rooms available to book.   There is always a dwarven harpist playing in the corner of the tavern.

The Silver Fork

A very up-market tavern often used by nobles and wealthy traders. There are several luxury rooms available for booking. The fine dining experience here is quiet expensive.   In the corner of the tavern is an animated harp that plays relaxing music to the tavern customers.

The Braze'n'Bold

Near the Colosseum of Glory is a run down tavern. Drinks here are dirt cheap, fights are a plenty, and rooms are undesirable.


Greenhall Farms

In the early days of tunnelling under the city in the mountains, breathing could become and issue with a lack of airflow. To solve this, the Greenhall family decided to grow bio-luminescent plants that produced both oxygen and low levels of life.   In the present, the farms are funded by the council and their plants can be found all over the undercity and deep in the mines.

Night Market

A large open area in the Undercity where business have been set up.

Stonelock Prison

A large prison, a small distance from the main Undercity, that holds not only Dwarven prisoners but also prisoners from the Second Oriana Imperium that cannot be homed in another prison. The Stonelock family in fact makes a lot of money keeping the Imperium prisoners.   The prisoners are tasked with the maintenance of many of the tunnels that lead out of the Undercity. They are always under stick guard, and always kept away from tunnels were there could be valuable gems and stones still left.

Halls of the Ancestors

The catacombs where the dwarven nobles are laid to rest. It is said that if anyone who steals from these halls they will be haunted for the rest of their short lives.

Forgelock Vaults

If you have too much treasure to store in your home, you can rent yourself a Forgelock Vault to store your valuables.

The Haunted Cavern

Located at the Night Markets, this tavern is cheap and nasty.
Founding Date
1200 ED
Location under
Owning Organization
by Wizards of the Coast (Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide)


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