Fandral <WIP>

Fandral Ibenson (a.k.a. Fandral the Dashing)

Fandral the Dashing is an Aesir warrior, a member of the Warriors Three, the shield-brother of Lady Siff, and a companion of Prince Thor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He first met Thor, Hogun, and Volstagg during the final battle against Ulik the Troll, when all four were still youths. During the battle they were cornered by Ulik himself, and Odin All-Father stepped in to protect them. However the Odinsword was damaged in the duel that followed, and the four swore a vow to restore it.

The quest which followed took more than a year, and took them accross the Nine Realms. The four became fast friends during their travels, and Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg swore an oath of brotherhood.

Fandral was one of the sources of the myth of Robin Hood, as he spent part of the 12th century in England, where he met and fell in love with a noblewoman called Marian.

The Warriors Three, along with Lady Sif and Prince Loki accompanied Thor to Jotunheim after Loki let a group of Frost Giants into Asgard to disrupt Thor's coronation. They quickly found themselves surrounded and outnumbered, and the All-Father was forced to step in to rescue them.

When the All-Father fell into the Forever Sleep and Loki declared himself King of Asgard, Fandral, along with his shield-siblings, travelled to Midgard where Thor was living in exile to ask him to return to Asgard. While they were on Midgard, Loki sent the Destroyer to kill Thor, and they were forced to battle it.

He served as a unit commander during the war against the Marauders, and distinguished himself in battle, winning many accolades.

He fought alongside his shield-siblings and Roz Solomon during the Sacking of Valaskjalf, but the group reached the Throne Room too late to prevent Odin from being killed by Malekith the Accursed.

In the aftermarth of the battle, he assisted Thor to free Loki and Jane Foster from inprisonment in Valaskjalf, so that Thor could trick the Dark Elves into removing the Aether, which had possessed Foster.




Contacts & Relations

He has made no secret of the fact that he is romantically interested in Congresswoman Roz Solomon, though they are not officially dating.

Family Ties

Fandral was raised by his mother alone, his father having been killed in battle before he was born. She lives in Asgardia, and Fandral visits her often, though he no longer lives at him, having his own quarters in Valaskjalf.
