
The Vanir are the Old Gods who inhabit Vanaheim.

Naming Traditions

Family names

The Vanir use patronynics, or sometimes agnomen or cognomen, in place of family names.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Vanir do have written language, but rarely use it, prefering to pass down their history and culture orally, often via song. In lieu of written messages, they use magic for the transmission of messages.

Animals are important to them, and it is common for Vanir to have animal companions with whom they converse via All-speak

Shared customary codes and values

Valuing and living in harmony with nature is one of their highest ideals.

They esteem magic, and are well known as the most skilled sorcerors in the Nine Realms.

Average technological level

While the Æsir do use technology, their society is primarily Magic based.

Art & Architecture

Although the early Vanir once built castles and cities, they later grew weary of the warfare required to defend them, and decided to return into the forests, leaving their towers to fall apart. These crumbling edifices are known as the "ruins of Vanaheim". They no longer build large permanent structures, prefering to live in small longhouses, or nomadically.

They highly value music, and singing in particular. Due to their nomadic culture, small portable instruments are preferred, especially flutes, pipes, and lap harps.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The Vanir practise cremation, via funerary pyres.

Common Taboos

Due to the Vanir esteem for nature, destructive acts such as large-scale tree-felling are highly taboo.

Historical figures

The Vanir count their decent from the first King of Vanaheim, Njord son of Buri, and his companions.


Beauty Ideals

The Vanir are diverse in appearance compared to their Aesir cousins, with skintones ranging from dark brown to pale peach. Given how few generations they have existed for, and their shared history with the Æsir, it is unclear how this diversity came to be.

This diversity in appearance is highly valued, and uniqueness in appearance is considered extremely attractive.

Broad flat noses are considered attractive, leading to their dismissive nickname of "high-noses" for their Æsir cousins.

Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Items
Languages spoken
Related Locations
See Also
Baldr the Brave 