Emil Blonsky

Captain Emil Blonsky (a.k.a. Abomination)

Captain Emil Blonsky was a commander of the Royal Marines who later joined the Strategic Opperations Command Centre (better known as the Hulkbusters).

General Thaddeus Ross recruited Blonsky to lead the Hulkbusters, and had him injected with a variant of the Super-Soldier Serum. After losing to Hulk during the Battle of Culver University, Blonsky had himself transfused with Banner's gamma-irradiated blood, causing him to transform into the Abomination. He then proceeded to go on a rampage in Harlem until he was killed by Harpy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emil Blonsky was born in Russia but raised in England, where he eventually joined the Royal Marines, and was swiftly promoted to the rank of Captain. Despite an incredible track record, Blonsky refused to be promoted further, claiming that he wanted to be a fighter for as long as he could.

When General Ross learned that Bruce Banner was in Rio de Janeiro, he put together a combat team to capture him. Due to the danger of confronting Banner, they brought in Blonsky to be the field leader for the operation. However, because they intended to take Banner out quickly and silently, General Ross decided not to brief Blonsky on Banner's condition.

Banner was able to evade Blonsky's soldiers, but was spotted by Blonsky as he tried to flee. Blonsky chased Banner through the streets, forcing him to take refuge in the bottling plant where he had been working. Thinking he had cornered Banner, Blonsky and his soldiers entered the factory but instead were faced with the Hulk.

Hulk tore Blonsky's men, whose guns were useless against him. Despite getting to high ground and attempting to stop the monster single-handedly, Blonsky was only able to get a glimpse of Hulk and quickly realized he was no match for him. Hulk attempted to kill Blonsky by throwing forklift truck at him before escaping.

In the aftermath of the battle, Blonsky reported back to Ross, furious that he had not been giving all the information, and explained that Banner evaded them due to the appearance of a monster, which he believed had been helping Banner. Ross explained that the monster was Banner, although he refused to give any more details, ordering Blonsky and his surviving men to pack up and return to the United States, as Banner would be long gone by this point.

Later, Ross explained to Blonsky that Hulk was created accidentally during an experiment that was inspired by World War II military research into "Super-Soldiers". Blonsky's age was starting to slow him down in the field, and he had no desire to move up in the ranks; Ross suggested that he knew a way to help make him stronger. Seeking revenge and enticed by witnessing Hulk's power, Blonsky volunteered as an experimental test subject. Ross explained that he would receive a small dose of a replicated variant of the Super Soldier Serum originally created by Doctor Erskine. Blonsky received the injections, which enhanced his strength, speed, and agility.

Blonsky later led the assault on Bruce Banner at Culver University. When Banner became trapped, he transformed into the Hulk and caused massive destruction. Due to Blonsky's enhancements, he was able go head-to-head with Hulk, acrobatically dodging his opponent's attacks while taunting him. Blonsky led Hulk into a trap where the Hulkbusters used Sonic Cannons to try to capture him, but Hulk was able to destroy them.

Ross called for Blonsky to cease fighting the monster. However, Blonsky dismissed Ross' orders, and, in an attempt to assess Hulk's full strength, walked up to him and taunted Hulk to give him his best shot. Hulk responded by kicking Blonsky, propelling him across the park and into the trunk of a tree.

Blonsky suffered extensive physical injuries. However, due to the effects of the Serum, he fully healed in less than twenty four hours. Blonsky was visited in hopsital by Ross; when Ross asked how he was feeling, Blonsky expressed his desire to go after Banner once again.

Blonsky was given a second, larger dosage of the Serum, which once again increased his strength and healing, but came with strange side-effects, such as mildly deforming his spine. Blonsky also began to lose his connection with reality and became more obsessed with Hulk's god-like power, and did not inform Ross of these changes.

When Banner was located in New York, Blonsky once again lead the team to capture him. He arrived at Sterns's Lab in time to see Betty Ross transform into her Harpy form and break down a wall of the lab and fly away. In shock from everything that had occurred, Banner did not fight back, instead choosing to go quietly, to Blonsky's great disgust.

With Banner now captured and being taken away for questioning by Ross, Blonsky questionned Samuel Sterns about Harpy's transformation. Learning that she had been mutated by a transfusion of Banner's blood, and that Sterns had been synthesising similar blood samples in his lab, Blonsky demanded that Sterns give him a transfusion of the irratiated synthetic blood.

Sterns warned that the combination of the Serum and Gamma radiation would be unpredictable. Blonsky, however, was unconcerned about the side effects, and Sterns administered the transfusion. As Blonsky mutated into the Abomination, he knocked Sterns away, sending him crashing into the supplies of synthesised blood. Blonsky then escaped the lab through wall which Harpy had destroyed earlier.

Having finally attained his wish for power, Blonsky began a rampage through Harlem. Colonel James Rhodes, who had been negotiating with Ross for Banner's release, persuaded Ross to allow Hulk to try and stop Abomination.

Blonsky and Hulk engaged in a brutal battle across Harlem, in which the Blonsky maintained the upper hand due to possessing greater sheer strength. He pinned Hulk to a wall, mocking his attempts to save civilians, and stabbed him in the chest with his exposed elbow bone.

Just as it appeared all was lost, Harpy returned to assist Hulk. Hulk was able to hold Blonksy still long enough for Harpy to break his neck.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
1 March 1971
Date of Death
4 June 2010
1971 CE 2010 CE 39 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Betty Ross
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
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