
Exitar is a town and primary settlement on Knowhere.

The town was founded by the Tivan Group as a mining colony, in order to extract precious metals and valuable organic matter from the head of a Celestial decapitated (according to legend) in the first battle against Knull.

The mining opperations were lucrative, and a number of businesses were established in order to supply the needs of the miners, gradually growing the settlement into a town. Although he holds no official possition, the Collector, as head of the Tivan Group, is the de-facto ruler of Exitar.

The size of the town grew when the Collector made the decision to move his collection from its previous home abord the Ark to a permanant structure on the edge of Exitar. The Collection attracted wealthy visitors, who expected more elaborate ameneties than the mining crews, leading the establishment of a small but lucrative tourist trade.

Experts believe that Knowhere's resources may be fully exstinguished in as little as a century, and the subject of what will become of the population of Exitar and the other settlements has become a popular topic of disgustion in political and financial circles.

Original Timeline

In the original timeline, much of the town was destroyed when the Collection was the site of a pitched battle between the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Warlord Thanos.

Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Tanrleer Tivan 
Former Residents
Carina Tivan

Articles under Exitar