The Collection

The Collection is a vast personal museum and menagarie opperated by Tanleer Tivan, the Collector. The Collector's avowed mission is for the Collection to contain one of every object and species in the Universe.

As well as artefacts and animals, the Collection also houses specimens of sentient species. For this reason, the Collector chose to locate his museum on Knowhere, where he would not be subject to the laws of any major galactic power, and the Pan-Worlds Treaties would not be enforced.


The Collector rarely allows visitors. Due to the reputation of the Collection, some wealthy individuals will acquire unique artefacts and gift them to the Collector in exchange for a tour.

When meetings of the Elders of the Universe are called, they comonly take place at the Collection, due to the large size of the building, although the Gardener refuses to enter the building due to his disapproval of the Collectors habit of keeping plants in cryostatis to reduce the need to care for them.
Alternative Names
The Museum of Everything | The Galactic Arc
Parent Location