The Collector <WIP>

Taneleer Tivan (a.k.a. The Collector)

Tanleer Tivan, commonly known as the Collector, is a member of the Elders of the Universe, and one of the oldest living beings in the universe.

In order to cope with his incredibly long life, he began collecting things, seeking to own one of every object and living thing in the universe. This collection is housed in a custom-built private museum known as The Collection, located in the Tivan Corporation-owned town of Exitar on Knowhere.

As part of this quest to own every object in the universe, he sought the Infinity Stones, a quest which brought him into conflict with the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thanos.

His wife Matani was also immortal, but chose to give up her immortality and die. He has one daughter, Carina Tivan.

Physical Description

Special abilities

Like all Elders of the Universe, he is immortal (although not physically invulnerable).

He possesses mild precognitive abilities.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Current Residence