Carina Tivan <WIP> Character in The Timestone Paradox | World Anvil

Carina Tivan <WIP>

Lady Carina Tivan

Carina Tivan is the daughter of the one of the Elders of the Universe, Tanleer Tivan, the Collector. Her exact age is unknown, but she is older than the first colony on Knowhere and possibly older than Knowhere itself.

When the Collector realised that the Aether entrusted to him by the Aesir was a fake, he sent his daughter to Earth in search of Loki and the true Aether.

However, the Reality Stone had been absorbed by a human, Michael Korvac. While attempting to retrieve the stone, Tivan and Korvac began a reliationship. When Korvac chose to use the power of the stone to leave Earth (and possibly the dimension), Tivan chose to accompany him rather than return home.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Carina Tivan is the daughter of Taneleer Tivan, one of the Elders of the Universe, and Matani Tivan. Like them, she is immortal, and though younger than the true Elders of the Universe, is believed to be one of the oldest beings in existence.

When she was old enough, she left her parents to explore the universe. While she was gone, her mother decided she no longer wanted to live forever with no purpose, and chose to give up her immortality. This loss triggered Taneleer to begin his collection, in order to give his life purpose.

Unlike the true Elders, Carina did not developed any great obsession to give her life purpose. As a result, she became increasingly tired of living, and was contemplating following her mother's example and giving up her own immortality.

Korvac War

The Collector was aware that the Aether entrusted to him by the All-Mother following the Second Dark Elf War was a fake, but he had had no lead on the location of the original. However, when Loki became one of the Worthy he was forced to reveal himself. The story of an Asgardian attack on an pre-galactic planet reached the Collector, and he realised where the true Aether must be.

He sent his daughter, disguised as a human, to Earth to find the Aether. However, while trying to get close to Korvac in order to discover a way of sepperating him from the Aether, she found herself developing feeling for him. She helped him to stabilise his connection with the stone, allowing him to more fully utilise its powers.

She later assisted Korvac in his battle with the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy, and when he elected to vanish rather than continue to fight the heroes, she chose to go with him.

Their current location and status are unknown.

Meeting the Exiles

Section under construction


She has lived for an unimaginably long time, and seen much of what the universe has to offer. Her father's Collection has given her access to possibly the greatest library the universe has ever known.

Morality & Philosophy

Like her father, she is almost totally amoral. Though not naturally inclined to cruelty, she acts only in her own, or her father's, self-interest, with little or no regard for other beings.


Carina Tivan <WIP>


Towards Michael Korvac


Michael Korvac


Towards Carina Tivan <WIP>


Current Status
Unknown - possibly several millenia
Current Residence

Author's Note
The Collector's krylosian slave-girl in GotG is creditted as Carina, however I don't believe this name is used in the movie itself outside of the subtitles, and calling her that was a last minute decision on the part of James Gunn, the character originally having been called Maverdevia. I wanted to use the comics Carina, and doing so only contradicts an episode of What If and the subtitles for GotG, so I've quietly reverted the slave character to her original name in order to make room.