Accuser Corps

The Accuser Corps were the primary law enforcement agency in the Kree Empire. The Supreme Accuser was considered the third most powerful individual in the Empire, after the Admiral of the Navy and the Supreme Intelligence. 

Because of the dominionist nature of Kree Law, their role was much more expansive than most law enforcement agencies, as the Kree understood their law as applying to other cultures. The Tablets of Koth, the first Kree law documents, state that "wheresoever Kree sets foot so shall Kree law hold sway," which had historically been interpretted as giving the Accuser Corps universal authority, although in practise this was curtailled by the risk of other powerful races or empires considering an Accuser arrest to be an act of war.

As well as their role in investigating crimes and charging suspects, senior Accusers also acted as judges, trying the crimes investigated by their fellows. Accusers could not try crimes in which they had been an investigator, but in practise this did nothing to prevent conflicts of interest, due to the insular nature of the Corps. Ruling against the conclusion reached by a fellow Accuser was incredibly rare, and regarded as a betrayal of the Corps.

Accusers were assisted in their duties by the Persuer Corps, who's role was to hunt down the accused, especially those who fled to or lived outside the bounds of the Kree Empire.


During the reign of Genis-Vell I, the majority of Accusers defected from the Empire to the Sons of Koth, leading to the Corps being formally disbanded within the Kree Imperium.

Dissolution Date
Government, Law Enforcement
Training Level
Parent Organization
Organization Vehicles
Related Ethnicities