
The Fenris Wolf

Fenris is a gigantic wolf, and the companion of Hela. He is sentient, and capable of using All-speak to communicate.

Among the Midgardian cultures who encountered the Aesir, Fenris became a figure of dread, and was featured in many myths relating to the end of the world. He has been prophesied to play a role in Ragnarok.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fenris is a black wolf, standing approximately 6ft at the shoulder.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Conquest of the Nine Realms

During the Conquest of the Nine Realms, Hela would ride Fenris into battle. He became feared throughout the newly formed Asgardian Empire for his strength and ferocity in batle.

Hela's Rebellion

When Odin declared the conquest of the Nine Realms complete, Hela disagreed. Believing his refusal to conquer planets outside Yggdrasill was a sign of cowardice, she rebelled against her father, beginning the war alternately called Hela's Rebellion or the Asgardian Civil War.

Fenris chose to remain side with Hela, although unlike her Worthy, he did not completely break ties with the rest of the Royal Family, suggesting he may have been somewhat conflicted about her choice.

Capture and Inprisonment

Odin recognised that, of all Hela's allies, Fenris's strength and the mythos that surrounded him meant he represented one of the biggest threats. In order to neutralise him, Odin had unbreakable chains made by the of . They presented the chains to Fenris as a game, challenging him to break out of them. Suspicious of their motivations, Fenris agreed to allow them to chain him only if one of the Aesir would place their hand in his mouth, to be bitten off if they betrayed him.

Hela's cousin Tyr, who had long been one of Fenris's closest friends, agreed to make this sacrifice, losing his hand but allowing Odin to remove one of Hela's key allies.

After Hela's inprisonment on Niffleheim, Fenris was placed in an enchanted sleep and interred below Valaskjalf, alongside the bodies of The Worthy. It is believed he was left alive on the advice of Mimir, but it is unknown if this was related to the Prophesy he would later give to Hela, in which Fenris is mentioned by name.

Attempting to Fulfil the Prophesy

When Odin was killed by Malekith the Accursed during the Second Dark Elf Conflict, the enchantments imprisoning Hela were broken.

After visiting Mimir and recieving a prophesy of Ragnarok, she attacked Valaskjalf, defeating the Einherjar and breaking into the catacombs below the palace where Fenris was interred. She sent the Hammers of the Worthy to Midgard to recruit allies, and removed the chains binding Fenris, freeing him.

Fenris accompanied Hela to Midgard, where she attempted to use Daisy Johnson, possed by the Hammer of the Breaker of Oceans, to trigger an eruption of the Yellowstone Supervolcano.

When the Avengers arrived to stop them, Fenris attacked Thor, biting off one of his arms. However when Loki, who had previously been Hela's Breaker of Faith, betrayed her, Thor was able to Fenris.

Although the question of whether he should be tried and executed for his role in the near-destruction of Midgard was discussed, the All-Mother chose instead to return him to his enchanted sleep, to await the coming of the real Ragnarok.
Known Languages