Triton Mandazur

Triton Mandazur

Triton is a member of the Inhuman Royal Family, the brother of Karnak and cousin of Black Bolt.

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Gills, green skin, a short fin on the top of his head.

Special abilities

His gills allow him to breath underwater, and he can swim much faster than most humanoids.

He is a trained warrior, skilled in Attilanian martial arts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Triton was born on Attilan, the younger son of Queen Rynda's brother Mander.

Upon undergoing terrigenesis on his eighteenth birthday, he developed the ability to breath underwater. He also mutated physically, his appearance also changed dramatically. Due to the Attilanian preference for visible mutations, he was considered extremely handsome, and gained a reputation as a playboy.

Because of his ability to hide underwater, he began working as a scout, making frequent trips to Earth to gather information. It was he who first brought news of the Inhuman Outbreak back to Attilan.

In 2016, while assisting a young NuHuman he was attacked by mercenaries hired by Maximus and forced to hide in the ocean for several days. After he reuinted with the rest of his family on O'ahu, he returned with them to the Moon and was present during the fall of Attilan.

He assisted in the establishment of New Attilan. Following the abolition of the monarchy, he initially joined the Security Force but found he didn't enjoy the slow pace of investigation work. Subsequently, he took a job working with the University of Hawai'i's marine biology department, working as a diver.

Gender Identity





Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Year of Birth
1983 CE 35 Years old
Current Residence
New Attilan
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations
Related Plots
Known Languages
Inhuman (native), English (fluent), Hawaiian (beginner)