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Session 5 - Money

General Summary

In River's Edge, the group is approached by Elowen, who asks for permission to start a new town to expand the kingdom. The council agrees and sends Vash to help her as a warden. Meanwhile, Fimbul wants to buy a new weapon but doesn't have the money, so he borrows it from a shady tengu named Duskwhisper.   To celebrate the first anniversary of the kingdom's founding, the town holds a festival. During the festivities, Bilfiz and two other halflings stumble into town, badly injured. They inform the council that they were ambushed by a gang of Trolls.   The group sets out to look for survivors. On their journey, they kill a Giant Snapping Turtle and a Winter Wolf pack and finally deliver the head of the Stag Lord to David. When checking on the werewolf Jethori in his cell in the kobold caverns, they learn that he has been visited by a masked man calling himself Red Justice.   Next, they travel to the hut of an aged man named Mat and convince the forgetful man to move to their town. Upon their return to River's Edge, they find that a group of Ichimoku worshippers have started a charity, claiming to raise awareness of the plight of Bilfiz's expedition. Alais is furious when he discovers that the charity is a thinly veiled scam for the cult to enrich itself.   Back in the wilderness, the group finds the lair of the trolls and begins their assault.


Leaders:   Alais - Ruler   Astele - Counselor   Franco - General   Roderick - Emissary   Hugo - Magister   Gerbald - Treasurer   Lena - Viceroy   Fimbul - Warden
Report Date
22 Jun 2024

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