Aloria Geographic Location in The Twilight Kingdoms | World Anvil


  The only kingdom which can match the beauty and lushness of Thalmara, would be Aloria. 
Quaint villages are littered and scattered along a myriad of glittering calm streams and lakes. A seeminlgy constant spring breeze sings through the willow tree glades, and bright green aspen leaves tremble in unison with the fluttering of tiny wings from birds and faeries alike. Such is the beauty of Aloria.
Aloria has been blessed by very few armed conflicts throughout recorded history, and has hence become a haven for peaceful and worry-free folk who wish for nothing but to live out their lives in harmony and peace. Harmonious activities such as weaving, tailoring, fine carpentry, and other craftful fine-motor crafts are the main exports of the Kingdom. The taverns and village squares of Aloria are also teeming with music, artists, jugglers, and jesters.
The crafted items and entertaining services of the Alorian traders are highly sought after in the other Kingdoms, and nobles and affluent people from far and wide will pay a fair bit of gold for them.  
The Twilight Kingdoms
World map of the Twilight Kingdoms

The Twilight Kingdoms