Vhardas Geographic Location in The Twilight Kingdoms | World Anvil


  Vhardas is a kingdom of many mysteries, as well as a kingdom of diverseness.
Geographically, it stretches far up to the biting cold of the northern regions, whilst also reaching fairly far into the south, to the murkier damp wetlands of Ungliath. However, the majority of Vhardas consists of plains and fields as far as the eye can see and the falcon can fly. Seeminlgy endless regions of sun-drenched grasslands, wastelands, and deserts dominate the "golden belt" of Vhardas.
It begins with the fairly fertile Steppes of Vhardas on the eastern border, where agriculture and cattle-keeping is prominent. The vast Plains of Haraan take over as you travel westward. These plains are inhabited mainly by noble nomadic people, who live in peace and harmony with their environment, far from bustling cities and the chaos and filth of major settlements.
The further west you go, you will find yourself in increasingly arid wastelands, until you reach the periolous western deserts. Therein lies mystical wonders and horrors, buried in the sand and ancient temples and cursed tombs; rarely seen by any other mortals other than the well-adapted equestrians and nomadic tribes of Haraan. Most secrets of the desert are better left buried however...  
The Twilight Kingdoms
World map of the Twilight Kingdoms

The Twilight Kingdoms