Khrond Geographic Location in The Twilight Kingdoms | World Anvil


  Khrond, a land of eternal looming malevolence that lie at the very heart of the Twilight Kingdoms. Enveloped on all sides by towering mountain ranges that cast their ominous shadows upon the land below, this accursed realm is a place of great peril and danger, where the very air is thick with the putrid stench of death and decay. At the center of this desolate land lie a citadel known as Dragonstorm Keep, a place where the enigmatic ruler of Khrond reside, an entity so shrouded in mystery that no mortal has ever laid eyes upon them, save for a select few trusted couriers and ambassadors who were allowed to enter the realm under the strictest of circumstances.   The realm of Khrond is a place of perpetual shadow and gloom, its vast barren wastes riddled with innumerable perils and horrors that no mortal could even begin to imagine. In some parts of the land, sulfurous haze hang heavy in the air, the choking scent of burning brimstone clawing at the throat of those brave enough to venture too close. In other regions, semi-dried marshlands make for treacherous footing, where the ground itself threatens to engulf the unwary traveler, and where the waters are teeming with grotesque creatures that will drag them down into their murky depths. And there are cavernous regions housing unspeakable horrors, where the very stones echo with the screams of long lost wayfarers and adventurers.
The Twilight Kingdoms
World map of the Twilight Kingdoms

The Twilight Kingdoms