Thalmara Geographic Location in The Twilight Kingdoms | World Anvil


The kingdom of Thalmara, where lush forests, rolling hills, and majestic glades creates a realm of unparalleled beauty and serenity.
The northern regions of Thalmara are mostly occupied by the Glades of Lithôe, an ancient and enchanted forest that spans far and wide.
At the very heart of this mystical forest grows the Eternitree, a towering oak that serves as the beating heart of a druidic order. This sacred site is the decennial meeting place of the wise and noble druids, who come from far and wide to pay tribute to their ancient traditions and share their boundless knowledge.
But the Glades of Lithôe are not the domain of the druids alone, for this forest is home to a host of magical beings, and fantastical creatures. Here, the gnomes weave their wily webs of magic, the faeries flit and dance amidst the woodland glades, and unicorns roam free and wild.
Along the long southern shoreline of Thalmara lies the proud and ancient city of Sarand. The city and its citadel, with its gleaming white walls and soaring towers, is an important hub for the southern trade route, and has a busy harbour during crop season.
From the winding streets and bustling marketplaces to the grand palaces and old temples, Sarand is a city that tells tales of a rich and proud history. Here, the finest craftsmen and artisans have long conglomerated to perfect their trade and teachings, creating wonders of art and tools that are the envy of most crafty mortals.    
The Twilight Kingdoms
World map of the Twilight Kingdoms

The Twilight Kingdoms