Ungliath Geographic Location in The Twilight Kingdoms | World Anvil


Ungliath, a kingdom shrouded in mystery and wonder. Its lands are rich and varied, from the mires and swamps that stretch across the southern reaches, to the soaring mountains in the north. Here, the rivers flow like veins through the land, their currents carving a path through the ancient soil.   The city of Thol Markand stands at the eastern coast of Ungliath, a bustling hub of trade and commerce that draws merchants from lands near and far. Its streets are alive with the clatter of hooves and the murmurs of many tongues, as traders haggle over the price of goods and barter for the finest wares. But beyond the walls of Thol Markand lies a land of great danger and adventure. The swamps and mires are treacherous and full of hidden perils, where the unwary traveler may sink beneath the fetid waters and never rise again. The forests are dark and twisted, their branches reaching out like grasping claws to ensnare the unwary.   Yet there is also beauty in Ungliath. The rolling plains that stretch across its eastern reaches are a haven for herds of wild horses and flocks of grazing sheep, their woolly coats shining in the sunlight. And among the northerns mountain ranges, shrouded in mist and morning dew, live hardy folk well adapted to life on the windsept mountainside; with its treacherous yet scenic environment.  At the northwestern mountains lies the fortress of Thornguard , a protective bastion that guards the mountain pass into the neighboring kingdom of Khrond. Here, the knights of Ungliath stand ready to defend their land from whatever vile dangers may emerge from the wilds beyond. Thus it is that Ungliath is very much a kingdom of both darkness and light, of danger and beauty. It is a realm that calls to the adventurous spirit, and beckons to those with the courage to explore its many mysteries and perilous challenges.  
The Twilight Kingdoms
World map of the Twilight Kingdoms

The Twilight Kingdoms