Barony of Entaufhi

by Azgaar



Head(s) of State

  • (dejure) Baron Rudulf
  • (de facto) Bishop-Prince Tubeas
  • Overlord(s)

  • (South/Contested) Duke Bo Duchy of the Middle Sea
  • (North) Duke Big Duchy of the Highlands
  • Vassals

  • Demographics

    Gen. Demographics

    Total Pop: 640,425
    Hexes: 87
    Pop Density (sq mile): 85
    Pop / Hex: 7,361
    Largest City: Huttwochts
    Capital: (dejure) New Entaufhi (defacto) Huttwochts

    Nation Breakdown

    Entaufha (Pfaets) 64%
    Ingsdt (Knach) 10%
    Hiewia (Knach) 10%
    Orc 5%
    Welb (Pfaets) 5%
    Freslorf (Pfaets) 1%
    Other: 5%

    Religion Breakdown

    The Brotherhood 84%
    Cult of the Bird 7%
    Other: 5%
    Cult of the Cat 3%
    Cult of the Father 1% (80% chance if a member of the University)


    These are aspects and elements that you can blend and remix when working with this culture:

    Orcish Landlords

    The entaufha no longer have a strong and stable economy from which they can pay their work mercenaries but they do have land being largely to populated last X number of decades And so that is what they're paying the orcs with. Either land specifically or the right to the rents. "we have traded the terror of the sword for fetters of dirt"


    Cover image: by Azgaar


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