
"Jumping Elves" Tribe   https://bestiary.stone-fish.com/beast/703/gm A Clan of 9 Guards, 4 Hellions, 7 Initiates, 3 Lords, 6 Scouts (1 Unique), 9 Snipers, and 8 Warriors (1 Unique) 230 non-combatants   They don't know about the Cave Portals since they don't travel that far easy usually.   The Sprongindilfin generally harass travelers going along the abbey road towards the Far Abbey and the Firdt Lake Shrine by demanding a toll of iron and steel, in any form.   The Sprongindilfin stay away from the coast due to the Seedrache.   To prove their strength and adulthood, the Sprongindilfin will leap from Kraftvulli Styrzi   The Sprongindilfin know that a urine-soaked rag will block the spores from the Xanthic Hold but aren't interested in sharing it because it's not their problem.   The Sprongindilfin take credit for the fall of Tryhk and the young elves will often go to the ruins to harass the survivors.


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