
The former capital of the Dwarves, Stonehaven (formally known as Hammerfel) Begins above ground in the high mountains of the east, and descends down deep to the great Subterranean Sea. The Cities large subterranean caverns and gigantic forges are things of legend. After the fall of the city to Vail, the forges were put to work making the armaments for the kingdom. For years the dwarves where punished for their bloody resistance of The Kingdom of Veil by being forced to work the mines and forges. Although not technically slaves, their living conditions made this argument pointless. 80 years ago, The King haulted the production of weapons, and freed the surviving dwarves.   The City is overseen by Prince Eston Merek, The brother of the King. Although the production of weapons has been halted by the king, the forges still refine metals for all three nations.

Points of interest

inns and Pubs:
The Drunk Miner
The full cup
Muddy moppet
The fighting Hole
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Location under
Characters in Location


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