
Gildin lies in a valley of the southern mountains. Home to the kingdom's gold and silver mines, Gildin is a city of opulence and extravagance. It is also a city of contradictions. The beautiful inner city, decorated in gold and silver streets, is surrounded by slums. The slums are where the miners live out their lives, within eye line of the riches they will never achieve. Here, status means everything. Gildin is home to the banking guild of Coriss. They mint most of the coins in the kingdom. Because of this, it is also the most heavily guarded city, save for Blackspire, in the known world.   Lord Jarmon Spyre governs over Gildin. He believes in order over everything else. Status and money mean everything, and people without ambition are a meant for the mines. He has cut off his own brother for his love of academics over following Jarmon’s footsteps.

Guilds and Factions

banking guild

Points of interest

Inns and pubs:
  • The Stout Trickster
  • The Fool's Mug
  • The Crimson Mace
  • The Broken Staff
Location under
Characters in Location


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