
Daemarrel lies at the end of the toe, and has had a long history of seafaring. It was Damarrelian sailors that found Darkshore. The city reflects the people. Practical and sturdy. The city rests on top of cliff islands, with the ports below. Large elevators and pulleys transport large amounts of cargo up and down the sheer cliff walls. The ocean plays a large role in the everyday life of a Damarrelian. Most are fishermen. The city also has a softer side. Art and science have a strong foothold here. Because of naval navigation, the observatories here are second to none in the land, The precepts have long used them to study the skies.   Lord William Borne oversees this city. A good man, and a fair man, he ensures that his people are represented in the court of Blackspire . Lord Borne fought in the Summer Wars, and his ships helped retake the city of Sebathe.   Inns and Pubs:
  • The Cursed Blade
  • The Sea Dragon's Mead hall
  • The soggy Scoundrel


Mostly Human.

Industry & Trade

Fishing, shipping, and boat building.

Inns and pubs:

Location under


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