The Empire of Vantrika

Demography and Population

Racial disbursement within Vantrika  

Foreign Relations

The Empire of Vantrika has a strong alliance with its two neighbors to the North, The Kingdom of Corr and the Kingdom of Aarailia. Vantrika also has a friendly, though guarded relationship with the Independant Lands of Aqualis to the south, mostly for the sake of commerce which deals largely in the trade of slaves. The Kingdom of Ulthiem refuses to have any dealings with Vantrika due to their generally pious beliefs, believing Vantrika to be a base and corrupt nation of perverse slave owners and greedy pleasure seekers.
"Real World" inspiration: Rome

Magical Tolerance


-Moderate, Under Arcanum Unifica oversight-

Geopolitical, Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Economic System
Market economy
The official currency of the Vantrikan Empire is the "Van", a series of three, four and five sided gold coins representing one, five and ten Van respectively. The various Van coins bear the likenesses of Vantrika's past emperors as well as a few other figures of great influence of their history. The likeness on the coin bears no signifigance on the coins value, coins of different values even usually bearing the same likeness.
Major Exports
Vantrika is known for its vinyards and wine production.
Major Imports
Vantrika is a nation that values societal position and luxury, and as such there is a high demand for exotic goods of unique extravagance, the most iconic representation of this being ones slaves. The slave trade of Vantrika is the largest in all of Grae.
Official Languages
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

The The Domain of Corr is subject to The Empire of Vantrika's imperial rule, and counted among her allies.